Enneagram and VW and Enantiodromia

UPDATE October 16, 2013

ALL LIFE runs on single enantiomers.

Now there are many people today making promises promises and more promises.
Does VBM (Vortex Based Mathematics) suggest that in the future everybody will own a VW complete with an unlimited supply of gas?

Randy Powell discussing DNA, its two strand ‘offset’ structure
and the major groove ‘flux field’

I watched Randy Powell’s lecture discussing aspects of VBM, the above image is screen shot taken from the video around 19:47.
The lecture was enlightening.

Randy Powell mentioned VW several times during the presentation.

UPDATE October 9, 2013

I had a thought today as I toyed with what could be behind the ‘primal’ VW logo.
Where the roots of this corporate logo lie.
Is there a connection between corporate ‘logos’, ‘branding’ and the concept called the ‘logos’?
The conception derives from the opening of the Gospel of John, is often simply translated into English as: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In the translations, “Word” is used for Logos(λόγος), but in theological discourse, this is often left untranslated.
Personally I feel there is a connection between everything, in varying degrees of course.
Therefore it did not take ME long to see how the letters VW are connected to the numbers 25 or 52.
Or AM I seeing things by making things up in my head?


Divide it in the middle – now we have N and its mirror image
25 results if VW is rotated counter-clockwise and 52 if we rotate VW clockwise

Marko Rodin’s cosmic 25 blender

And I ponder if it is another coincidence that Marko Rodin refers to the ’25’ as the “cosmic blender”.

Marko Rodin clearly exploits the enneagram to illustrate his epiphany that which he calls VBM or vortex based mathematics.

But Marko was not the first ‘mystic’ to covet this ancient symbol.
The mystic Gurdijeff also used this symbol to communicate his epiphanies.

And I try to use the swastika and the Maltese/Templar cross to help me communicate mine.
Part of my theory suggests that the 15 groups of phosphenes which are comprised of glyphs and symbols that look very similar to what we find on aboriginal/indigenous ‘rock art’ beckon us to explore the other side.

*end of UPDATE*


 Marko Rodin’s 369 epiphany merged with the Enneagram

What is VBM?

Had a thought today whilst looking at the enneagram … something vent click.

Am I zeeing sings?

On the left: the enneagram reversing itself
A significant component to vortex mathematician Marko Rodin’s theories and the Rodin Coil.

And let us not forget the 3rd Law of the I-Ching, after evolution and change comes a reversal in eXtremis.

  • Reversal in extremis is a paramount concept in the I Ching.
  • Enantiodromia is a term used in psychology.
  • Enantiomorphs can be a pair of crystals that are mirror images of each other, and are optically active or the mirror image of a given chiral polyhedron
  • Enantiomer is one of two “mirror images” of a chiral molecule.

source of image:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetric_hydrogenation

ALL LIFE runs on single enantiomers.

I- Ching source for enantiodromia:



more info:

KEY 528…Is the Great Pyramid 70,000 years old?

Let us stay on the topic of the CUBE at this TIME.

So we are told (in the west) that the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes is generally attributed to the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus (ca. 150 B.C.), though the difference between the sidereal and tropical years was known to Aristarchus of Samos much earlier (ca. 280 B.C.).

Both appear to be hysterical and HIStorical anomalies in light of the following info I found recently.
And I do ponder sometimes how many other self-serving WMD, Words of Mass Deception, the ‘THEY’ have employed through the ages, these secret men’s societies? Shocked

Knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes is as least as old as the Great Pyramid itself as the following info seems to prove.

Now the greater mystery is … how old is the Great Pyramid?
I have seen estimates from about 5000 to 70,000 years old.

I will give you the mathematical PROOF
the Height and Base measurement of the GREAT
PYRAMID does equal 720 Royal Cubits, or 1/36 or Precession,
See IES Edwards for these measurements. Penguin 1993 revised paperback edition.Page 246 Royal Cubit = 20.62 inches
Page 99 Base of GP = avg 755.8 feet
Page 100 height of GP = 481.4 feet


Base = 755.8 x 12 = 9069.6 / 20.62 = 439.84 Royal Cubits BASE
Height = 481.4 x 12 = 5776.8 / 20.62 280.16 Royal Cubits HEIGHT

439.84 + 280.16 = 720.00 ROYAL CUBITS

Precession = 25,920 see Hancock’s Message of the sphinx Page 204.

25920 / 720 = 36

using one of the oldest and most respected books on pyramidology, 720 ROYAL CUBITS is the PERFECT BASE AND HEIGHT measurement of the GREAT PYRAMID and that it is EXACTLY 1 Dekan or 1/36th of Precession to the EXACT measurement!

Oh, ancient HINDU myth says the age of BRAHAM the GOD of CREATION used his throne the EARTH or CUBE and his AGE of 100 years to measure the earth and heavens.

Hermes had 36,525 books of GODS WISDOM to measure the EARTH or CUBE that the pythagoreans WORSHIPED.

100 years equals 36,525 rotations of the EARTH. Cube is 6 sides, 8 corners 12 lines of dimension. or 6812. and 36525 x .6812 = 24881 the PERFECT AVG circumference of the EARTH!!!

24860 Poles
24902 Equator

These myths were SCIENCE of ancient cultures that understood TIME and THE BATTLE between LIGHT AND DARK or the CUBE and OCTAHEDRON.


And if the Pyramid is a marker of TIME that we call the Precession of the Equinoxes, what other symbols would the creative genius of mankind manifest to express this most profound galactic alignment taking place in the heavens that reign down upon us with their starry influences?

Yes marking a particular moment in TIME, a starting point on the wheel of life were the 4 pillars marking the boundaries of a foundation of creation.
All cultures had 4 something positioned in the corners, as pillars that held up the heavens, and they were referred to as the 4 Royal Stars by Arabic Astrologers/Astronomers.
This was but one manifestation of this ‘particular’ galactic alignment that took place about 70,000 years ago.

Here is a site that suggests such an alignment took place.

In our day, it seems hardly possible to regard these four stars as the cardinal ones, which are supposed to hold the four corners of the heaven. Because, neither the true angular distances nor the separations on the ecliptic plane are verifying this assumption. Especially, the position of Regulus is quite astray than the expected point. The next one, which does not fit to the combination is Fomalhaut. Here we have a shifted Regulus-Fomalhaut axis, preventing us to believe in the cardinality of these stars. It seems that there is a trace of dispersion with the present fringe of the combination.But, before jumping into conclusions, it may be wise to consider the wanted configuration some time out of our era. Because, during long intervals of time, the positions of the stars are changing, due to secular movements. And the components of the shifted axis are the most fast moving objects among these four.

If we just take a glance at the total proper motions of these stars, the sequence may give some idea to us: Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ in one thousand years. When we compare the angular distances with the directions of these motions, a rough estimation gives a clue about the possibility of a more fitting configuration, not today but some 70,000 years ago!


And to quote Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason and the author of one of the greatest books on the esoteric “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”

…In the light of the secret philosophy of the Egyptian intitates, W. W. Harmon, by a series of extremely complicated yet exact mathematical calculations, determines that the first ceremonial of the Pyramid was performed 68,890 years ago on the occassion when the star Vega for the first time sent its ray down the descending passage into the pit. The actual building of the pyramid was accomplished in the period from ten to fifteen years immediately preceding this date.

Yes please note that Vega at one time was the northern pole star and will be again in the future.
Right now it is Polaris and previous to Polaris it was Thuban which is in the constellation Draco.
(Draco the Dragon … has everything to do with northern Celt/Druid Arthurian legends that sprang up at this time…no coincidences here)

I am getting very very close to the buried treasure that lay beneath the Pyramid …or is it a Cube?
Hmm, is half the Pyramid buried beneath the sands of time…

No coincidence that sand is rock ‘made round’ … through time.
No coincidence God is referred to as the Rock.
Not a coincidence that the hardest substance known to man is a diamond … but as it works it way to the surface it becomes one of the softest known to man … graphite.

Life is like that.
We are ALL chips off the ole’ block…
FRACTALS actually.

And the symbol that represents that FRACTAL of TIME best is IMHO … the swastika …

“These myths were SCIENCE of ancient cultures that understood TIME and THE BATTLE between LIGHT AND DARK or the CUBE and OCTAHEDRON.”

ONE swastiKA = 4 pointed star or square OR a 2Dimensional CUBE drawn on flat surface.
Then twist or rotate another swastika till the square looks like a diamond and place on top of square.
TWO swastiKA = 8 pointed star or octahedron OR 2D OCTAHEDRON drawn on flat surface.


So we are square heads…diamonds in the rough.
Needing to work our way to the surface…but we must pass through the bowels of the earth to evolve.
On each level of the ‘creation’ it is about alchemy.
Eh Carl?
Alchemy holds the secrets…to helping the individual find their inner gold….

Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ = Christian 4 Gospels

Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ = Persian 4 Royal Stars

Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ = Judaism Tetragrammaton

Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ = Tarot Card X

Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ = Solfeggio Frequency 528

Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ = Music of the Spheres

Fomalhaut 371″, Regulus 249″, Aldebaran 198″, and Antares 24″ = Epoch altering event ‘2012’



And these 4 Royal Stars positions can also be found on this piece of antiquity…which can be placed over the symbols below…and thus a truth extracted …

Take a look at the 4 pairs of people on the Dendera Zodiac.
They match up quite nicely with the 4 pairs of SS, that we can find on the Peruvian Mandala, which I found in a Catholic Monastery.

And before and during the Dark Age, SS had two distinct meanings…

SS = Sanctus Spiritus or the Holy Spirit which in antiquity was associated with the Holy Spirit…note the green in the Peruvian mandala.

Ss = Big / Macrocosmic S called St. Peter and small microcosmic s known as St. Paul.
true true true…

Here ya go Adolf tell the brown shirts to put this bandanna on their left arms and TALLIT like it is to those Jews…
Understand your roaming Roman NAZI Imperial Army will have the divine aSSistance of St. Peter and St. Paul aSSisting them in their sworn duties to rid the Earth of our nemeSiS from GeneSIS.





And we all know that 4 points (square) + 4 (diamond) = 8 pointed Star of Venus




SwastiKA = Bab-Ilu = Gate of God = Fractal representing ‘Reversals’

But how would such reversals occur, in an Electro-magnetic Field of dreams and nightmares called Earth?
Maybe the NazCA Lines in Peru provide a clue to saving all of YOU?

NazCA Mandala
On the left is the MOST revered Buddhist Mandala called the Sri Yantra containing 43 triangles.
Beside it is the Lorentz Attractor.
Never herd of it?
The consuming ‘symbol illiterate herd of sheeple people‘ know it by a more common name…the Butterfly Effect.

It can be represented by the 2 wings or 2 waves that are necessary for Electro-magnetism.
One wave is called Transverse and the other is called Longitudinal.
This also helps clear up the confusion as to why Aquarius the Water Bearer is considered an AIR sign.
Electro-magnetic waves travel and behave very much like waves in water…only they are invisible.



The Age of Aquarius represents two most important things.
It is in fact the Age we are entering (leaving the Age of Pisces) and … in connection to the 4 Royal Stars = 4 Evangelists (we see above reading the Gospel attributed to them), it thus represents the 4th number not appearing as part of the Solfeggio healing code 528.
KEY 528 is the frequency called Mi.
Understand THEY are in the process of scripting a new myth with which to exploit the sheeple people…
Aquarius is the 11th house that we see on Card X, which no surprise to me/mi helps us solve the eternal game of trying to find the buried treasure.
We all have a map inside folks.


Now the question begs … what do Reversals of Fortune, Butterflies and 8-pointed Stars of Venus have in common?
Greek Butterfly is called the Goddess Pysche connected to the Soul
Egyptian Butterfly is connected to OSiriS and is connected to his resurrection…(resurerection?)
Maya Butterfly is called the Galactic Buttterfly and is connected to resurrection…
Finns believed vegetables had butterfly souls…
Kwakiutl of Northwest N. America depicted the soul as a butterfly…
Slavs suggested the soul could leave the body in many winged creatures, including the butterfly…

BUGS in the system…


Ask the fella who built the Coral CAstle … a 20th Century shrine built using Ancient Chinese secrets that the Egyptians were aware of too.

The way to overcome the force of gravity, to move mountains, or bring down the walls of Jericho, is by somehow manipulating the Electro-magnetism that surrounds and embraces the earth 24/7/365.24

I wonder what else the Solfeggio frequencies are capable of?
DNA = KEY 528 = Swastika = LuX Precession of Equinoxes = Platonic Year =Mi frequency which heals DNA = ?

2bee continewed
info arrives daily…



Thus the primordial Law of Thermodynamics says…
God can be neither created or destroyed, he can only be transformed into other forms of God. However there is a penalty for making vain graven images and it is called Entropy.


 Newsseeker wrote:
I always get confused reading your posts Raphael. No offense because the problem is with me.

No, Seeker of the News, as in any exchange the problem is with both of us.

I can only keep trying to express an epiphany that exists deep within the rabbit hole…here is what I found today my friend.

Please recognize in the post called 9 Cosmological Eggs in 1 Basket I tried to show you how our inner architecture tries to express itself >>>> project itself outward from within … spiraling outward from within.
Our creative juices flowing from the same source that created all we see around us.
And the mathematics that we employ to dissect this ‘perfect’ creation is a language that profoundly suggests we are ALL CONNECTED. We as a collective equal 1.
Pythagoras did not see the number 1 (one) as a number that came before 2. He saw all numbers that came after one as representing the unity of 1, divided.
As is the number 3. It is merely a number in relation to the number 1.

The numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 thus are merely ‘fractions’ of the number ONE.
Like slices of pie making up the whole.
And 1 pie can also be divided into 12 slices representing the 12 houses of the horoscope or perhaps even 12 knights sitting around a round table.

Math is the universal language that unites humanity.
Not Aramaic, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Chinese or English.
It is numbers that transcend the man-made boundaries called languages.
And written language as we know was preceded by the Oral Traditions.

Oral communications only.
Sounds created with the intent of creating specific vibrations.
Are sounds important?
What is a mantra?
Where is the Wailing Wall?
What is Aum / Om?

So what many of my blogs attempt to show is that there is a Universal architecture that keeps ‘presenting itself’ in many varied forms. But it is there. It must be. The architecture must be sound and consistent and it follows a pattern. Not unlike the underlying structure of a skyscraper.

Hildegard de Bingen, another mystic (many historians suggest if she was not a woman…she would have had the stature, for sure, of a Da Vinci), she also had illuminations where she would portray the messengers cloaked in a dark blue, and she sums what I am trying to express as an interdependence with far more eloquence.

“God has arranged all things in the world in consideration of everything else … “
“…everything that is in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, is penetrated with connectedness, is penetrated with relatedness.”

And fellas like 20th century quantum physicist Max Planck would say … true Hilde … everything is connected to vibration.

But wait … which came first?
The Chick or the Egghead?

Hildegard lived in the 12th century.

Duh…taking the scientist quite a long time to cross the abyss to confirm the visions of the 12th century Abbess.

I also agree with Rudolf Steiner (founder of Waldorf Schools) in believing we should teach Myth before Math.
Steiner believed children should not be taught math until the second set of teeth started coming in. Between the ages of 6-8. And by no coincidence many indigenous cultures also have a rite of initiation around the age of 7. The Hopi of the Southwest actually give their children at the age of 7, a Kachina Rattle.
The Hopi’s equivalent of a coming messiah would be the Blue Star Kachina.
Kachina Rattle

Here again is another example of how a child is still connected to the ‘Universal Structure’ … and if we nurture this inner architecture in our children we will indeed put the ART back into the healing heARTS.

Rolling Eyes

“Our Father who ART in heaven….”

And to me this photograph defines the MYTH of our TIME without a doubt.
There I go making another outlandish claim.

But you have no idea how this photo captures the essence of “All has been written”.
Or do you?
This post will not totally confirm those claims but you must admit, after reading this post, the universal structure is apparent and we must begin to look at the world again with the awe of a child merged with the wisdom of experience, respecting the interconnectedness that we cannot see …

I started this thread discussing the analogies of 9 Cosmological Eggs in 1 Basket, as a metaphor, a motif or as an archetype of a universal cosmological structure or architecture of the BIG picture.

Count the flags in the picture of the Cell, delivered to us by a 13 year old prophetess … with the caption “We Need Water”.

Out of the mouths and minds of babes… emanates a deep, deep, profound truth.
Of course this is true because it is the children who become the prophets. (google > indigo children)
So what gift does this child, this spirit, this prophetess bring the elders for our interpretations?

Done counting the flags?
I count 11 flags.

9 Flags contained within 2 other flags called the cell membrane and cell wall.

9 contained within 1 contained within 1
9 1 1

And these two barriers, the cell wall and cell membrane apparently contain the CHAOS within and have mechanisms for growth and expansion built in.
And by no coincidence to illustrate how CELL structure is analogous to the UNIVERSE on a macrocosmic scale, cells are programmed to die, black holes also are programmed to die, within the Chaos of cell activity beautiful Order is Created, the Chaos of the Universe also reveals an Order of a greater magnitude.

Like wow.

So in conclusion I have concluded and thus manifested a profound ‘thought’.

What if 9 I I is a number that defines the universal structure?

What if the toppling of the 2 Towers was a harbinger of a future event?

What if as Buddhism suggests this is the end of Duality … a stage necessary to pass through on the path to Unity?

The 4 Steps of Stages of the Maya illusion.

1/ Atomic

2/ Space
3/ Time

4/ Vibration

What if we currently reside between Time and Vibration?
It can all be represented as frequency and amplitude creating waveforms.

Max the Sage walked the Planck and declared before plunging into the Quantum Waters as yet unexplored….”No such thing as Mattter…only VIBRATION!!!”

We should not ignore 2012 … I feel it might be the moment we pass from Time through to Vibration as a collective.

But if are not prepared therein lay the danger I feel.
Get ready for an onslaught of WMD against the TRUTH.

Weapons of Media Distraction

Here is a great example of what I mean.
Watch this trailer for the film 23.
Another film selling a BIAS.
Get ready for an onslaught of hair raising BS between NOW and 2012.


The latest film with JC … Jim Carrey and the exploration of the Number 23 is again unfair and ends with predictable Judeao Christian fears of the Occult, murder and mayhem…


Oy vey …
This is incredible blatant manipulation of Truths easily researched if the individual is possessed like me…


One of the Secrets to the number 23 is to do what ALL the ancients did.
Reduce it to a single digit.

So Jim Carrey is possessed by the number 5 and I am obsessed with the number 4.

Hey Jimbo, oops, did not mean to show disrespect to you J.C. … I was wondering would ya vanna do a pre-quel to 23 = 2 + 3 = number 5 ?
The pre-quel of course would be based on the number that came before it.
22 = 2 + 2 = 4 ? … have I got a script for you…ewe fans would love it! )

And it is no coincidence that the numbers 5 and 4 are connected esoterically to the Circle and the Square respectively and also to the Left and Right hands, respectively.

Then I like to discuss how Chirality affects our ‘BLUEprints’ called DNA without which we NEVER evolve.

The process of creating chiral compounds is best discussed using your left and right hands…and soon we start to see patterns between the numbers 4 and 5 and 9, that I also tried to illustrate manifest themselves very early in the child’s game reflecting the Universal architecture, and this Game of Life is called Tic Tac Toe.

The Universal structure also reveals itself in the KEYboards we all use.
How they are structured…where the KEYS are place…symbols sharing KEYS representing Big and Small, Upper Case and Lower Case…

Take a look at KEY number 4 … what is the Lower case … what is the Upper Case?
What symbol did I place in the center square of the Game Of Life happening right now in the 4th dimension…

More on prophecy using our KEYboards that our hands are attached too later. We are more connected than we realize folks.

Is it a coincidence that the enneagram and the popular game of sudoku both can be placed on a 3 x 3 grid?
I discuss the enigmatic enneagram later in this post…

Should I show you how to draw the swastika, placed on a 3 x 3 grid, and at the same TIME show how it is connected in a profound way to the Judaic symbol Solomon’s Knot?

Rolling Eyes

The Myth of 9 1 1

… to be continued…

update July 2nd, 2007:

The Sears Tower in Chicago was purchased recently by the owners of the WTC.

The Sears Tower is 9 buildings in 1.

“…The building plan consists of nine 75 x 75 foot column-free squares at the base. Floor sizes are then reduced by eliminating 75 x 75 foot increments at varying levels as the tower rises…”
-building architect B. Graham

WTF is going on?

The Sears Tower is 1450 feet tall.
Do I need to point out that 1 + 4 + 5 = 10?
And 10 = 1 + 0 = 1

And there are those 2 numbers again, 4 and 5.

4 + 5 = 9 buildings in 1


Then I guess the fact 75 = 7 + 5 = 12 … Thus the building with a footprint of “…the building plan consists of nine 75 x 75 foot column-free squares at the base… can in fact be reduced to a 12 x 12 grid.

And as we know 12 x 12 = 144
And 144 = 1 + 4 + 4 = 9

What most people slough off as a coincidence … I see as consistency, integrity and undeniable proof of ‘Intelligent Design’ … the ID or id.

Connecting with the id through mythological archetypes is the id trying to know itself.
update July 26th, 2007:

I present a few more coincidences in regards to the Universal Structure etched into our consciousness called 911.

Remember the ancients reduced everything to single digits between 1-9.
i.e. 911 becomes 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

We have 92 basic elements … before man started slicing and dicing …
92 = 9 + 2 = 11 = 2

1 divided by 137 = fine structure constant
You can arrange the numbers 137 into a tetrahedron form using 11 spheres placed in a trinity of layers.
i.e. first layer has 7 spheres, followed by a layer of 3 spheres, and at the apex we place 1 sphere.

137 = 11 = 2

And the magic substance chlorophyll has a total of 137 atoms and is structurally comprised of 6 circles, 12 branches and 137 atoms.

Why do I call chlorophyll magical?

Because it has the ability to convert energy into matter using light!!!!!!!!!!!!

What this essentially means is 4 things, and for the layman to understand this is very, very important because the conspiracy by mega- corps. like Monsanto Inc. thus presents itself…

1st reason … All plants are solar and wind collectors.

2nd … Because plants are solar and wind collectors, they can be viewed as a free energy source.

3rd … Plants have achieved a ‘balance’ , that the animal ‘man’ has yet to achieve in utilizing the ‘4’ elements.
Let me explain.
i.e. 4 basic elements.

Solar is Fire
Wind is Air
These two elements are associated with the masculine principle and please note: they are considered the invisible elements

Rain is Water
Land is Earth

By no coincidence (design?) these elements are considered to be associated with the feminine principle.
And these elements are visible. And they also share the same letter H (hay/heh) in the name of the supreme Hebrew deity known the world over as YHWH. (Yahweh)

In the esoteric realm each letter of YHWH is associated with one of the four elements.

Card X or 10 of the Tarot exploits this relationship quite succinctly.

Y is Yod is Fire
H is Heh or Hay and is Water
W or V is Vav and is associated with Air
H is Heh / Hay and is associated with the Earth

And the final and 4th reason I believe Plant consciousness could in fact be more evolved than animal consciousness is this …

In the battle to find a balance within the ‘creation’ provided plants have indeed proved their longevity.

Man who is the animals best representative to date is no match for the plant in this thermodynamic battle which has control over the direction of TIME itself.

The only way for the intellect of mankind to turn back the hands of TIME, is find or manifest a TIME machine.

A TIME machine capable of doing an end run around the 3 supreme and incontestable laws of SPACE called Thermodynamics.

Plants have achieved through the manufacture of the chlorophyll molecule what scientists have not.

The abiltity to Create Matter out of Energy!!!!!!!!!!

Man has built particle accelerators, and one is called CERN.
Cern is a 26 mile donut buried in the Alps.
Here the best egos of mankind are trying to accomplish what every plant on earth can.

Create Matter out of Energy!!!!!!!!!!And the 137 atoms contained in a Chorophyll molecule = 1 + 3 + 7 atoms = 11 atoms = 2 atoms or adams?

thus we have in the beginning …

adam + eve in the Garden of Eden / Chlorophyll…

And the 2 towers that came crumbling down on 911 represent the dismantling of the current epoch prior to Unity…just like the Tibetans and the modern sage Max Planck believe.

It is all vibration folks.
Matter apparently is an illusion.

What if 911 is indeed an archetype for the Universal Structure and the KEY to it’s Universal Movement is the swirling, twirling whirling devilish and dervish swastika?What if?

Would that be reason enough to bury this sacred symbol (the swastika…the Key to Universal Movement) by associating it with a heinous crime?

Next post we see how the mystic Madame Blavatsky the Grand Duchess of the esoteric, and her adopted symbol by the Theosophical Society, confirms my theory…

Update August 19th, 2007

Below is the Seal of Madame BEE’s (Blavatsky) Theosophical Society.

Theosophical Seal

If you count the symbols /glyphs inside the Ouroboros you will count 9.
This symbol adopted by the society contains all the numbers from 1-9.

It also has 9 distinct symbols within the snake and the snake also wears a crown which is interpreted as being outside the snake.
Thus we again are presented with a 9 within 1 within 1 structure. It was appropriate that the final world from the world of the esoteric was delivered by the Madame.

Now if that was not convincing enough, I believe this last example from the world of science and math should be the final example I need to present before ‘I rest my case‘.
I believe I will have presented enough evidence in regards to establishing that The Myth of 911 = Universal Structure.

What was it that brought the Twin Towers down?

Thermodynamics … ?

To describe asymmetric processes, (haha … were the twin towers asymmetric?), thermodynamics contains a law, known specifically as the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. And this law is also known as the Law of Penalty or Entropy. As it turns out the law of Penalty is an appropriate name for the events that took place on Sept 11th, 2001.

And Entropy always increases with TIME and reversals in TIME are therefore not possible so suggests the 2nd Law. But Newtonian physics declared reversals were possible. Hmm

So to help me solve this dilemma (can time travel in both directions?), we need to use Statistical Mechanics.
But I know nothing about Statistical Mechanics so I will need to enlist the help of Lord Kelvin, James Clerk Maxwell, J. Willard Gibbs, and today we will consult with Ludwig Boltzman.

These were the men, among others who invented the theory called Statistical Mechanics.

The main insight underlying statistical mechanics’ explanation of the 2nd Law is easily demonstrated.
Imagine two boxes. One box, B is empty and the other box A contains 20 balls numbered 1-20.
And the balls are laid out in a 4 x 5 grid. (there are those numbers 4 and 5 again)

Statistical Mechanics deals with ALL the different ways the balls could be distributed between the two boxes.

i.e. you could put 20 in box A and none in box B or the arrangement could be reversed…or you could put 4 in A and 16 in B … or 16 in A and 4 in B … etc. etc.

Boltzman then noticed the following statistical asymmetry.
There is only one possible way to place all 20 balls in A and none in B.
This arrangement would be 20 – 0. And there is only one possible way to put none in A and all 20 in B.
This arrangement would be 0 – 20.

Boltzman noticed there were 15,000 ways to put 5 balls in box A and 15 in box B.

But what does this have to do with 911?

Well the easiest arrangement to achieve is a 10 – 10 balance between the 2 boxes.
This is the most common arrangement statistically possible…
There are more than 180,000 different ways to place 10 balls in box A and 10 balls in box B.

But then please note … the next easiest configuration would be either 11 – 9 or

9 – 11 !!!

So what does this all mean?
I believe 9 – 11 represents a countdown toward the most probable configuration of 10 – 10.

And what does that mean, a countdown toward a 10 -10?
If you understand that ENTROPY is the result of closed systems and Global Warming is the result of a closed system forming, then you will appreciate that the notation 10 – 10 represents the earth is headed toward a Thermodynamic Equilibrium.

Fact: All closed systems seek Thermodynamic Equilibrium which is a 10 – 10 configuration and this state is known as maximum entropy.

20 – 0 or 0 – 20 are both states known as minimum Entropy … or if I had to use mythological jargon … …In analogy, minimum Entropy 0 – 20, is similar to the Golden Age, and maximum Entropy which is a 10 – 10 balance is also known as heat death, matter chaos or the Iron Age.
But there is an outside chance, a probability of .0000001, that the event we know as 9 – 11 is suggesting there is a reversal of Entropy taking place.
Not likely say the numbers.

So the event that changed the course of recent history, 911, is actually an archetype representing a state of entropy or thermodynamic asymmetry, and using Statistical Mechanics, we learn we have entered a period of acute environmental sustainability and other sensitivities… and we are headed toward achieving the inevitable as all closed systems do … thermodynamic equilibrium.

What if 2012 is the event, the opportunity that the THEY may use to try to push back the hands of Entropy Time to a more agreeable configuration like 5 – 15 or 6 – 14 or 7 – 13, and statistically these arrangements are possible given an indefinite length of time, low entropy fluctuations like 5 – 15 can occur and then the Entropy will start from this point onward again … with all probability toward a balance of 10 -10. All configurations are preferable to 10 – 10, 9 -11 or 11-9, which is like suggesting we are in the final hour…in the countdown toward an equilibrium…balance.

Because those 2 boxes represent the game of things getting hotter and colder…and those balls represent the heat that is transfered away from box A and shifted toward box B.

And the Electro-magnetic light spectrum has an indicator called Atmospheric Opacity, which is also playing a central role in our current environmental concerns.
Atmospheric Opacity predicts periods of increased Entropy here on Earth.

So by using the Electro-magnetic Light Spectrum as an indicator … you could claim, using the journey of light as template, that “All has been written’.

Want me to show you pictures of the EM spectrum, Atmospheric Opacity and the Golden Age?

Before I do … I just remembered another very important 911 archetype.

It is believed that the Enneagram figure is of ancient origin, possibly from within Sufism, while its introduction in modern times is credited to G.I. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff used the figure in his teachings as a symbol that represents fundamental universal cosmic laws.
-from Wikipedia

And did you notice the ‘open end’ of the Enneagram is represented by the numbers 4 and 5.
One word … Intuition

See the photo above?

The 5 is on the LEFT.
The 4 is on the RIGHT.

May I remind the reader of what I wrote above…

And it is no coincidence that the numbers 5 and 4 are connected esoterically to the Circle and the Square respectively and also to the Left and Right hands, respectively.

Then I like to discuss how Chirality affects our ‘BLUEprints’ called DNA without which we NEVER evolve.

The process of creating chiral compounds is best discussed using your left and right hands…and soon we start to see patterns between the numbers 4 and 5 and 9, that I also tried to illustrate manifest themselves very early in the child’s game reflecting the Universal architecture, and this Game of Life is called Tic Tac Toe.

But I forgot to mention that in all sacred symbolism the right hand is connected to the left postive hemisphere of the mind and the left hand is connected to the right negative hemisphere.
All religious iconography supports this structure of symbolism.

As this inspired photo illustrates.
Right Hand of God

Please note the right hand of God is trying to connect with the left hand of man … and that space between them in analogy could be seen as that gap, and as tiny as it is, this is the gap that reveals itself as that quantum abyss that we cannot breech, the Planck era.

Aum … unless you learn to vibrate…..

I have another profound example using the 3 x 3 matrix … connecting it to numerology…should I bother posting it?

to be continued as the info arrives

namaste … means the swirling swastika in me respects the swirling swastika within you.


God can be neither created nor destroyed only transformed into other forms of God.
There is a penalty for transforming God and it is called ENTROPY.