Swastika Plate 5000 BC is a Model of the Milky Way

UPDATE April 14, 2022

The following animation came from this source here.

Using one of the Magellan Telescopes in Chile as well as the data from the European Space Agency (ESA) space mission Gaia, scientists recreated the trajectory of a massive “hyper-runaway star.” The trajectory shows the star was ejected from the Milky Way disk, not the Galactic center as previously believed. Image credit: Kohei Hattori

UPDATE April 10, 2022

Now this is the kind of visualization that I have been seeking. The relationship of the earth to the moon, the sun, the Milky Way and the galactic plane.

1 Motion_of_Sun_Earth_and_Moon_around_the_Milky_Way

The Solar System isn’t a vortex, but rather the sum of all our great cosmic motions
Here’s how we move through space.

~ The Earth spins on its axis, orbits the Sun, and travels through the Milky Way, which itself is in motion relative to all the other galaxies around us.
~ By correctly measuring the objects around us and the light left over from the Big Bang, we can determine our cumulative cosmic motion.
~ Still, there remains an uncertainty that we’ll never be able to get rid of. Here’s why.

1 Motion_of_Sun_Earth_and_Moon_around_the_Milky_Way

An accurate model of how the planets orbit the Sun, which then moves through the galaxy in a different direction-of-motion. The speeds of the planets around the Sun are only a small fraction of the Solar System’s motion through the Milky Way galaxy, with even Mercury’s revolution around the Sun contributing only ~20% of its total motion through our galaxy. (Credit: Rhys Taylor)

UPDATE March 12, 2022

Came across this comment made by Olivia Goddard today on FaKebook. It seems pertinent to this discussion.

Graham Hancock It’s only a blind spot in human history if you are asking the wrong humans.. Here is a timeline described by Senior Lawman David Mowaljarlai of the Kimberly, NT, Australia, in his book YORRO YORRO:

1. Before Our Time — Narkundjaja — before Creation
Heaven and Earth are separate realms, Wallanganda is in the Milky Way,
Earth is a jellysoft snake floating coiled to a ball in the cosmos. Fresh water
falls on Earth.
2. Lalai — the active part of Creation
Wallanganda appears on Earth in the form of a Wandjina Rain God to install
all of nature and bring life to the planet.
3. In the Beginning
Wallanganda lays down the blueprint mould, creates man and woman.
Basic organisation. Wandjina paint in shelters.
4. Way-way Back — Ancient Time
Awakening of spiritual awareness, law-making, start of initiation, social
organisation, first banman people.
5. Flood and Ice Age — interruption, Wipe-out
Divides prehistory and known times. Images turn to rock during Ice Age.
6. Stone Age — Munggugnangga
When only stone tools were used for killing animals, Aboriginal people
hunted with string-rope traps and clubsticks. No spearheads yet, but little
flaked stone knives and manufactured grinding stone.
7. Long Time Ago — Djuman Nangga
Wandjina came back for re-Creation after Wipe-out, painted in shelters
Teaching, acceleration of technical advancement and introduction of
healing. Wandjina taught the people how to make boomerang, spears and
woomera, the spear-thrower. Coolamon and digging sticks came into use.
8. In the Olden Days — ‘when we all still live in the bush’
Expanse of time from the introduction of tools to the arrival of the
Europeans and shift to missions and government settlements.
.9. Yorro Yorro — from the Beginning to the present and onwards
As long as we are standing up with everything in Creation; as it was in the
Beginning and will be for as long as nature regenerates itself. Ongoing
creation, perpetual renewal of nature in all its forms.

UPDATE 2/2/2022

I left the following comment with the video on EweTube;

hey Ancient Architects didn’t you know that the 12,000+ year old swastika idea can be linked to a model of the Milky Way AND Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Northern Galactic Pole and thus to the THIGH/FORELEG of a cow/bull? … well I guess that is another episode eh? .. trust me IF IF IF you dare use the ‘swastika idea’ to join the dots to the ONE narratvie … the picture becomes much clearer … the CHIRAL METAMATERIAL/gammadion aka the swastika can even take the modern architect/physcist into the quantum

UPDATE October  13, 2021

Mysterious radio waves coming from the heart of the Milky Way

“The strangest property of this new signal is that it is has a very high polarisation,” Wang said. “This means its light oscillates in only one direction, but that direction rotates with time.”

“The brightness of the object also varies dramatically, by a factor of 100, and the signal switches on and off apparently at random,” Wang added. “We’ve never seen anything like it.”

The radio signal — named ASKAP J173608.2-321635 after its coordinates — was “unique” because it started out invisible, then it turned bright and faded away before reappearing again, said Tara Murphy, who is Wang’s PhD supervisor and professor at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy and the School of Physics.

“This behaviour was extraordinary,” she said.

UPDATE January 19th 2021


Magnetic field streamlines detected by SOFIA are shown over an image of the Whirlpool galaxy, M51, from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. For the first time, SOFIA’s infrared view shows that the magnetic fields in the outer arms do not follow the galaxy’s spiral shape and are instead distorted. The intense star formation activity in these regions, shown in red, may be causing the chaos, along with the forces from the yellow neighboring galaxy, NGC 5195, tugging on one of the spiral arms. Credit: NASA, the SOFIA science team, A. Borlaff; NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)


Clearly what the PhD learns about Messier 51 will help us understand our own Milky Way spiral galaxy …

stay tuned

UPDATE December 30th, 2020

It has been 5+ years since the last update in 2015.
This article we saw just today is from 2014.  Sometimes good news travels slow.

New Gaia-ESO Research Reveals that the Milky Way Formed “Inside-Out”

MBG Milky Way Galaxy SPIRAL formed INSIDE OUT cropped

New research from the Gaia-ESO Survey shows that the inner regions of the Milky Way assembled faster than the outer regions, revealing that the Milky Way formed “inside-out.”

A breakthrough using data from the Gaia-ESO project has provided evidence backing up theoretically-predicted divisions in the chemical composition of the stars that make up the Milky Way’s disc – the vast collection of giant gas clouds and billions of stars that give our Galaxy its ‘flying saucer’ shape.

By tracking fast-produced elements, specifically magnesium in this study, astronomers can determine how rapidly different parts of the Milky Way were formed. The research suggests the inner regions of the Galaxy assembled faster than the outer regions, which took much longer time to form, supporting ideas that our Galaxy grew from the inside-out.

~ end of UPDATE ~

SS SWASTIKA Solar System

I do wish I could find the source of this image
which appears to be a depiction of the movement of our solar system
shared with me on FaKebook November 8th, 2015
The reasons will soon become apparent

UPDATE March 29, 2015

It has only been 9 days since my last update.
Today’s update is a good one, it is indicative of an awakening consciousness.

But clearly the Russian artist Mikhail Sadovnikov who gives us a demonstration of clay and the pottery wheel, has not really invented anything new at all as this blog will illustrate.

What this youtube video in fact helps to prove is that certain archetypes are both eternal and infernal.

I ponder the link between being mesmerized and a collective hypnosis or CULTural trance everybody agrees to agree on without saying a word.
Continue reading to see how genius and crazy co-exist.

UPDATE March 20, 2015

It has been several years since I announced to the world that science would one day find out what the swastika was really all about.
I made that claim because my journey or awakening seemed more like a recovery process, the recapture of ideas that were part of who I am spoke to me in a way than a series of scientific discoveries or religious dogmatic claims never ever did.

The following science AHA merely confirms what was recovered by ME+me quite a few years ago.
It was a feeling in my GUT that the OX TOE being recovered was an idea that could be associated to many different levels of scaling or dimensions.

i.e. how to hop, skip, and take jump or take quantum leaps of imagination using the peaks and valleys of the home terrain called the Milky Way, how to our collective advantage as we ride the cosmic roller coaster experiencing the ups and downs of our own life sometimes spiraling out of control?

For more information:

Read a publicly available version of the research article

Watch a 20-minute video explaining the findings for the general public

Watch a 50-minute video explaining the findings in greater detail

High-resolution illustrations of the research are available on Newberg’s homepage

~ end of UPDATE ~

UPDATE January 22, 2014

A Synthesis of Fundamental Parameters of Spiral Arms, Based on Recent Observations in the Milky Way


Recent advances in the position and shape of each spiral arm in the Milky Way (pitch angle, shape, number, inter-arm separation at the Sun) are evaluated and compared, and a statistical analysis yields an updated idealized Galactic map.

Earlier tabular results were published in five blocks of 15 to 20 each, covering 1980 to 2007 [1-4]. This paper presents the latest two blocks, each between 15 and 20 entries of published spiral arm researches since 2008. Using this revised Galactic map, and a discussion on the width of the Sagittarius arm (major or minor or equal), an interpretation of orbital streamlines for the gas and magnetic fields is presented for 2 major arms and for 4 major arms in the Milky Way.

Our interpretation for all the recent data favors the following:

a four-arm non-circular spiral pattern for the Milky Way; the Sagittarius arm being likely an equal arm; the inter-arm separation at the Sun’s location converging near 3.0 kpc. We emphasize that these conclusions encompass all the data, and thus can vary somewhat from the results of data obtained from a single filter (only CO data, say).

I find it interesting how those spiral arms fit nicely over this clay bowl dated between 4000-5000 BC.
The image below was submitted by ‘Eric’.
His other comments and contributions can be found in the comments that follow this blog.
He was adding to the other information I had presented.


~end of UPDATEs~

[the original post written in 2008 begins here]

 3 > M > E > W

Neolithic philosophy evolved to Bronze Age language systems that involved ideograms.

An ideogram or ideograph is a graphical symbol that represents an idea, rather than a group of letters arranged according to the phonemes of a spoken language, as is done in alphabetic languages.

chiral samarra MNEME MEME MemoryDisc

 3 > M > E > W

Start with the number 3 in the NE position and ‘precess‘ backwards.
Because this clay bowl can also be used to explain ‘precession of the equinoxes‘.

“fish don’t’ swim, they’re swum and birds don’t fly, they’re flown”
-Viktor Schauberger

In the image above we can apply the 3M theory plus 4-fold rotational symmetry to this 7000 year old plate by rotating the wheel resulting in 3 > M > E > W

How important are the principles of geometry to our material world taking shape?
Are the three ‘R’s … Rotation, Reflection, and something gets lost in the tRanslation?

The New Jerusalem, i.e. the promised land that has been promised to manifest according to some believers has been described on more than one occasion as occupying the spatial dimensions of a cube, perhaps even the hypercube.

Even HOPE was placed inside Pandora’s Box for safekeeping, and to give us HOPE, that is something worth pursuing inside that box, the treasure chest, the  Holy of Holies.

Why does the idea of a container or receptacle like the Ark (both the ‘chest’ and boat), the Grail Cup lives on.
The 21st century version now being sold and told as a new gospel is that the seed or bloodline of Jesus lives on today because he had actually impreganted the Holy Womb of Mary Magdalene before departing from this world.

Pandora info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandora

Pandora and the sacred box, cunning stunts yet to be revealed?


This idea of a picnic basket, a Gucci handbag or Little Red Riding Hood has deep cosmological roots.

Gobekli Tepe three handbags pillar 43Gobekli Tepe
But are they handbags or are they arches/windows?

The ‘Handbags’ of Göbekli Tepe’s Pillar 43 explained?

3 out of 4 priests with swastika on golden thigh Antique Bosnia HANDBAG

The Golden Thigh concept associated with Pythagoras and the Hyperboreans
note the 3 swastikas located on the thigh plus one handbag

This particular blog attempts to unveil the Universal Movements that are KEY to understanding the ‘asymmetrical creation’.
It is an attempt to reverse engineer the ‘archetype’.

The archetype comprises the fundamental templates that penetrate ALL levels. Which can be found in the ‘constants’ that physics uses, or the gods people pray to.

Space Time Motion needs to be defined and agreed upon BEFORE we can answer who we are, where we are, and where  we are going.

Is Space the final frontier?
Or is it Motion?

Drachm late 5th-early 4th century BC
Anchor/Four dolphins within swastika – Black Sea

“fish don’t’ swim, they’re swum and birds don’t fly, they’re flown”
Viktor Schauberger

Trying to get beyond the 3 body problem in physics, or even trying to pin down the elusive electron which behaves paradoxically as both a particle and wave suggests we still have a long way to go before science delivers a theory of everything.

The following is very important to consider, it supports what I suggest, the archetypal mind always comes to the same conclusions within an archetypal universe.  The asymmetry of our hands helps us keep in touch with this apparent reality.  Our apparent ‘right-handedness connected to the left hemisphere of our mind’ provides us with a ‘chicken and egg’ paradox.

Which came first?

The experts are not certain* if handedness drove left brain language and math development or the reverse, evolution of the mind via letters and numbers occurring primarily in the left hemisphere explains our preference in using primarily the right hand for writing.

*though some experts default to the D gene as the deciding factor.  The D gene separating us from the apes long long ago. But note this is still a theory and conjecture in itself based on another theory that suggests man evolved from the ape. We must remember this D gene theory lacks the insights that ‘Junk DNA’ has yet to offer. 

But I want to suggest there is an undeniable connection between the following facts that we do know to be true and verifiable.

All significant building blocks at our disposal appear to be asymmetric, many are chiral too.

i.e. matter and anti-matter, double helix of DNA, amino acids, sugars, etc. the list is extensive.

Now is it a coincidence or evidence of the design that the human who has an asymmetrical MiNd and an asymmetrically placed heART was also given asymmetrical L/R hands  with which to create and build using the asymmetrical building blocks that are strewn about like a giant jigsaw puzzle?

Thus we have a reason why handmade pottery might be considered important as an indicator of the archetypal state-of-mind that which crafted the ART. The kind of heART that transcends man made borders and beliefs, never ever dying out.
Ceramics can also be dated with some accuracy.

Formerly every writer on the history of pottery seemed to imagine that the very rudest pottery must have been the invention of Egyptian, Chinese or some other distinct race from which the knowledge radiated to all the other races of the prehistoric world. No conception could be more erroneous. Since the middle of the 10th century research has established beyond doubt that wherever clay was found men became potters of a sort, just as they became hunters, carpenters, smiths, &c., by sheer force of need and slowly-gathered tradition. The not yet exploded view that Egypt or Assyria was the special cradle of this art, and that the pottery of the Greeks and Romans directly descended from such a parent stock, cannot survive in view of the incontestable evidence that pottery was made by the prehistoric peoples of what we now call Greece, Italy, Spain and other countries, long before they were aware that any other peoples lived on the earth than themselves.

I love this handmade bowl (not crafted on a potters wheel) from Samarra, Iraq.
Dated to about 5000 BCE and there are others.
5000 years before Christ, it has only been 2000 years since Christ.
1900 years before the great succession of Egyptian Dynasties appeared according to current guess-estimates.

Here is your first AHA!  leading to a unification.
Menes/Narmer? who ruled over a united upper and lower Egypt was also referred to as King Hor-AHA!

Very very important … did you read the text that accompanies the image regarding the apparent direction of the fish, the birds and the outer ring on the plate?

The image on the left is a Digital Sky Survey of the Milky Way.
The schematic is self explanatory, please note it is also very similar to how a ‘hurricane’ functions.
i.e. both have an eye wall etc.

But what I find most interesting is how the structure of the plate from Samarra circa 5000 BCE is very very very similar to apparent movements of our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

Please note to make the comparisons easier I used the same colors for the arrows to indicate direction of rotation or spin, on the plate, to match the arrows on the Digital Survey of the Milky Way.

I also placed a yellow circle in the center of the swastika to correspond with the yellow circle in the center of the graph.

yellow is centered BUT that particular swastika we see in the center of the plate if it did move, would move <<< counterclockwise <<<
light blue arrow indicates the first valance or shell the contents move >>> clockwise >>>
red arrow indicates the second valance also rotates >>> clockwise >>>
green arrow, the third outer valance moves <<< counterclockwise <<<

The Swastika and the Square Wave

By Dr. Jessie Mercay

“As in Micro, so in Macro. The whole exists within the minutest particle and the minutest particle contains the whole. The atom contains the universe and the universe contains the atom, and neither exists without the other. Creator exists within creation, even as creation exists within creator.”
– Brahmarishi Mayan, circa 10,500 BC

Mamuni Mayan discovered that the fundamental form of creation is the cube.

This cubical structure is called the micro abode (smallest particle that is the abode of pure consciousness/absolute space). The initial pulse in Absolute Space as described in this monograph forms this minute structure.

If we take Mamuni Mayan’s statement above and apply it to current scientific knowledge about the nature of square waves gained through modern science perhaps we can have a better understanding of the subtle formation of the initial 4X4 structure during the manifestation process. In other words, Mayan’s law above states in essence that what is in the manifest world is found in the unmanifest world and vise versa. Since we already have scientific knowledge about square waves in the material world perhaps we can apply this to the unmanifest world and the manifestation process. This will possibly help us to understand the peculiarities of the process of manifestation.

Scientists have discovered that when a square wave begins it has a fall equal to its rise. In the figure below, the + point is the zenith (peak) of the rise of the square wave while the – points out the nadir (lowest point) in the fall of the square wave. This represents one full pulse in the square wave. The diagram below demonstrates this.

Notice that as the square wave falls to its nadir it proceeds forward in the space-time continuum. Thus the rise and fall of the square wave pulse actually occupies what might be called four units of space within the one pulse. In observing this phenomenon visually it becomes immediately apparent that the single pulse of the square wave actually creates four space-time units as shown below:

In other words, one square wave pulse could be said to create four space-time units. Hence, we may extrapolate from this that with the first pulse of Absolute Space; four Space Time units are created.

It is as if with one blip or pulse, Absolute Time, Om Light and OM Sound are created (4 units composed of Absolute Space, Absolute Time, OM light and OM Sound)
Then manifestation occurs in two pulses at a time (each blip contains 4 Space Time Units or 8 units each in an additive manner) – blip blip (Air); and continues – blip, blip (Fire); blip blip (Water); blip blip (Earth).

Eventually forming what is called the 8×8 Manduka Mandala.

In summary, the initial manifestation process begins with the formation of a 2×2 structure formed from one pulse of Absolute Space.

It is from that point on that the additive factor of eight begins.

Note: Above are two demonstrations of the development of the sacred form known as the swastika related to the concept the square wave. It is easy to see how this ancient cross-cultural image was derived.

Representation of this Self spin is noted throughout history in many cultures including China, Tibet, Nepal, Mexico, Native American, South Pacific and of course India. The images or a permutation of the image is in the form of the swastika. This image is not to be confused with the tilted swastika used by the Nazis.


Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, aumscience.com/wordpress.
For any questions please visit;

Now the relationship of the square wave to the swastika will help us understand harmonics and why the ancients used the swastika as a powerful mnemonic device pregnant with information, just like the double helix of our DNA.

Watch that video … it helps you visualize how HARMONICS affect wave forms.

And it helps confirm why the glyphs/shapes W M E and 3 were commonplace during the Bronze Age.

Square Wave

Note that these abstract geometric forms on the rim of the plate coincidentally resemble the square waves, found in digital sound, and coincidentally when this template is applied against the zodiac and the Precession of the Equinoxes, Pisces would be in the third valance, coincidentally, this places us in the digital age, and I just want to mention one more coincidence, in this regard, our galaxy has been placed on the outer arm of the spiral galaxy called the Milky Way.

Coincidentally, between the first and second valance the neck of the bird is similar to a saw-tooth or triangular wave…that can be traced to the Nazca Lines in Peru and also to the tomb of the alchemist Christian Rosenkreuz.

Below look at the Nazca monkey with the spiral tail and two hands that only have 9 fingers.
4 fingers on his right hand and 5 on his left.

 A bandlimited sawtooth wave pictured in the time domain (top)
and frequency domain (bottom)
The fundamental is at 220 Hz (A2)

220 hertz is half of 440 hertz.
We adopted the gematria tuned 440 hertz as the international standard for the note ‘A’.
Many musicians suggest 432 hertz is preferable.

In the image below I have included the other etchings not visible in the picture, we see the Sawtooth Wave as representing both TIME and FREQUENCY.

Suggesting the Nazca people were intuitively aware of the different kinds of ‘wave forms’.
IMHO the evidence is evident.
The mysteries behind the meanings of the Nazca Lines are becoming clearer as my blogs illustrate.
The ancients were VERY aware that the universe was filled with light and sound waves.

They just had a different way of expressing this knowledge.
YES this appears to be true.

True they failed to exploit energy, the way we have…but maybe this is the lesson?
So what frequency is the Nazca chimp who wants to be champ plotting, knitting with his left / right hands?
It will soon become quite clear.

As I type this … it is evident that HIS-story is about to take a turn for the worst …. and HER-story and history shall become clearer.

Can anybody suggest to me what that monkey might be weaving with his chiral asymmetric hands?
Remember our DNA, amino acids, and crystals tend to be composed of chiral asymmetry…from the smallest particles with mass to the largest galaxies, evidence of asymmetry can be found.

 The graph plot above shows the first 511 terms of the Fibonacci sequence
represented in binary, revealing an interesting pattern
of hollow and filled triangles
(Pegg 2003)

That is what I feel that monkey is weaving, time and frequency.
Look at the kinds of waves, sawtooth, square and sine waves?
Are the 3 Soul Gates navigated using different kinds of waves?

This blog re: Nazca Lines helps to further link the ‘creation narratives’ from both Mesoamerican and Mesopotamian cultures, divided by an ocean and a scripted HIS-story.

Back to the Halaf plate.
I also found it necessary to flip the image on its vertical axis so I could illustrate how the rotations are in fact IDENTICAL.  Please note the swastika has been rotated asymmetrically.

This is way way way too much fun.
Have I invented a new field of inquiry?


Rescue ME?

A 13 Step Recovery Program called A.A.A.

  • Art-etexture
  • Archetype
  • Alchemy

Is GRAVITY a pushing or pulling force?
My vortex guru Vincent Wee-Foo suggests it could be a pushing force which contradicts what we have been told for years that gravity pulls.

“I agree with you Graham that gravity is NOT a pull event.” – James A. Graber (aka Jag of TOEQuest Forum) with twenty-five years into vortex research, 14th Nov 2008.

“I must in the full recognition of the fine work he does give thanks to Vincent Wee-Foo, for his platform of ponder for explanation of gravity being a push in effect.” – Graham Burnett

I discussed the above images.

Those movements are the KEY to understanding ALL movements great/macrocosmic or small/microcosmic.
I personally cannot prove that an electron behaves in this manner, I will leave those experiments to others, though I do believe/feel that template above can in fact be applied to how electrons and atoms and can also be applied to the movement of larger macro bodies like Sol our Sun.

Those movements are in fact sacred and ‘just’.

Those movements initiated by the ‘swastika’ at the center can be traced to many esoteric ancient symbols, as this wordblog shows.

The blog helps to connect the above Universal Movements and the ancient symbols to the inherent movements by Sol our Sun, implied by the Precession of the Equinox cycle.
So even though I cannot track the movement of the electron, I can in fact track the movement of the Sun.
The ancients all did.  The path called Precession is clearly laid out for us to follow.

I must admit, I have been talking incessantly about the KEY to Universal Movement for quite some time.
Take a close look at the above images…note the directions of the ‘rotations’, i.e. two inner rotations moving opposite to the third outer rotation…which direction is the center moving?

Now watch this video and you will understand the KEY to UNIVERSAL MOVEMENT
I believe this video captures the essence of the movements we see above.

It is to say at the least, hypnotic.
Is the creation a hypnotic hologram?

The KEY to Universal Movement has been found, again.

Ask Milo Wolff…

It can in fact be applied to the Precession cycle and what 2012 is suggesting, hence its REAL value.
It implies something will soon happen, as we continue to move from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.
It implies the solution to what may lay ahead can be both musical and magical too.



UPDATE March 9, 2010

WHAT does an IMAGINATION have to do with anything?

If this godly elephant was called say…GaneSha ElviS, do you think it would move its pelviS?
Do the twist in mid-air?

Torque effect?

What if the ‘piston universe’ operates similar to a TWISTING ‘SPRING STRING’ which also rotates as it is compressing and decompressing?
What if?

Start watching the video around 8:11, pay attention to what Nassim Haramein adds at 9:25.

“…spacetime doesn’t just curve but it twists”

The SWASTIKA we see in the center is merely another of those coincidences.

Now can you see any significant similarity between these images?

In conclusion this Swastika Plate from 5000 BC appears to be a model of the Milky Way and our own solar system too I would have to say, and most importantly it is model for how an electron moves up and down energy levels.  The fact it can be applied to all levels of scaling, the big and the small, thus being a model based on observations made using the naked eye,  that we are now finding is meshing quite nicely with the invisible detected world using microscopes and telescopes, mathematics and physics is hard for many people to digest.

Van Allen Belts

There are two electron belts and one proton belt

Three Van Allen belts, coloured diagram:

  1. blue: Inner Van Allen belt (protons)
    (voltage per particle: over 10 mio. volt)
  2. pink: New Van Allen belt (electrons)
    (voltage per particle: 1 to 5 mio. volt)
  3. violet: Outer Van Allen belt (electrons)
    (voltage per particle: 10 to 100 mio. volt).

The proton belt is located from about 500 kilometers above Earth’s surface and extends to 13,000 km. This Inner Belt contains protons with energies greater then 10 million volts. Scientists currently think that these protons are trapped cosmic ray particles from outside the solar system, or from the Sun itself possibly during severe solar flares.

The low-energy electron belt actually overlaps the volumes of space occupied by the proton belt. The electrons carry between 1 – 5 million volts of energy, on average.

The high-energy electron belt is located further out than the two overlaping inner belts, and in the above figure it is colored purple. Electrons in this Outer Belt carry between 10 to

HIS-story by itself is not to be confused with a real history that attempts to accommodate a HER-story in addition to HIS-story.
Could the drug induced shaman have connected with the cosmos and its patterns, been given glimpses to a universal ‘truth’, accessed by ingesting various botanical cocktails, a practice that has since gone out of fashion in civilized countries?
I feel for Marija Gimbutas and how the ignorance of her day is still casting a shadow over the ongoing recovery.
“fish don’t’ swim, they’re swum and birds don’t fly, they’re flown”
-Viktor Schauberger
SEG animation
SEG is an interesting model being proposed as an over unity device
but clearly the ‘design’ itself has flaws that render it
incapable of extracting energy from the ‘torsion field’ efficiently

A design which was born from the inspiration of the LAW of SQUARES.

The LAW of SQUARES are derived from the archaic mystical magical squares.
Which puts the SEG on the same page as the chemists, mystics, the cabal of Kabbalists and the wisdom of Confucius and the 5000 year old I Ching.

And the SEG appears to be on the same page as these two models which indicate how things should FLOW from the center out to the edge and back.

“fish don’t’ swim, they’re swum and birds don’t fly, they’re flown”
-Viktor Schauberger

“humans don’t lead, they are led”

i.e. ye are stardust reduced to being lead, led, or LED

Light Emitting Diodes …. hehehe

via doug ahau gray

above image of the base of the altar updated 2015 ~ compliments of Doug Ahau

The altar found in Monasterio de Santa Catalina in Arequipa Peru that would irrevocably alter my life the moment I walked into this room which was part of the Novices Cloister.

But at the time I did not know it.

Swastika is the KEY of Universal Movement, forming part of an ancient vortex theory, along with phi and pi and the Maltese cross.
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

74 thoughts on “Swastika Plate 5000 BC is a Model of the Milky Way

  1. The notes of Creation have been silenced much too long.This is how Myans, Egyptians, Native Americans communicated with Creation, hense all the many “Creation Myths”.

    The pyramids are to reasonate sound from Creation to mankind.
    Man has been hearing music from water, words spoken directly as when Angels (angles) spoke in myths, the music from Creation will be a “Stair Way to the Heavens.”

    “God’s Spell” gospel will be undenyable and those “hearing”
    begin their ascention much like (synchronizing major) cities.

    Gravity of each situation is less-ness. Towers had to come down.Proof He’s still here! “I could attach it to any part of the building, start it in operation, allow it twelve to thirteen minutes to come to full resonance. The building would first respond with gentle tremors, and the vibrations would then become so powerful that the whole structure would go into resonant oscillations of such great amplitude and power that rivets in the steel beams would be loosened and sheared. The outer stone coating would be thrown off and then the skeleton steel structure would collapse in all its parts. It would take about 2.5 horsepower to drive the oscillator to produce this effect” (http://www.tfcbooks.com/teslafaq/q&a_054.htm
    Recall the comet and it’s new birth, like dolphins in the sky. Hale to Baby Bop.

    Smell Benzene. Carbon atoms (we) will enter Reasonance
    and will either fluctuate between 2 worlds or remain in one of the Quantum worlds. When did Tesla state man would rule the world?

    The symmetry of a molecule (or any other object) determines whether it is chiral. A molecule is achiral (not chiral) when an improper rotation, that is a combination of a rotation and a reflection in a plane, perpendicular to the axis of rotation, results in the same molecule (see chirality (mathematics)). A simplified, if incomplete, rule is that the molecule lacks a plane of symmetry. For tetrahedral molecules, the molecule is chiral if all four substituents . A chiral molecule is not necessarily asymmetric (devoid of any symmetry element), as it can have, for example, rotational symmetry. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chirality_(chemistry)

    Kekulé and the benzene ring,read about Tesla.

    The practical application of MECHANICAL THERAPY through my oscillators will profoundly affect human life. By insuring perfect regularity of evacuations the body will function better in every respect and life will become ever so much safer and more enjoyable. One of the most important results will be the great reduction–amounting possibly to seventy-five percent–in the number of heart failures, which are mostly caused by some acute upset of the digestive process and normal operation of the stomach. Another vital improvement will be derived from the quickened removal of toxic excretions of organs affected by disease. It is reasonable to expect that through this and other healthful actions ulcers and similar internal lesions or abscesses will be cured and relief might be obtained even in cases of a cancer or other malignant growth. Skilled physicians and surgeons will be able to perform veritable miracles with such oscillations. They stimulate strongly the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder and other organs and by these desirable actions they must contribute not a little to well being. Persons suffering from anemia of any form will be especially helped by the treatment. But the greatest benefit will be derived from it by women who will be able to reduce without the usual tantalizing abstinences, privation, sacrifice of time and money and torture they have to endure. They will improve much in appearance, acquire clear eyes and complexions and it may be safely predicted that long continued treatment will bring forth feminine beauty never seen before. It is not to be forgotten that the elimination of countless drugs, patent medicines and specific remedies of all kinds taken internally, by which millions of people doom themselves to an early grave, will be of untold good to humanity. (http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/no_date.htm)

    RE: BEES

    On Sept. 11, 1932 (New York Herald Tribune), Tesla derided the Maxwellian/Hertzian ether, while saying that higher frequency waves “…follow the curvature of the earth and bend around obstacles”, yet in an Apr. 8, 1934 New York Times letter, said that short waves for “power purposes” of the ‘wireless art’, were inappropriate, and that power will travel in “long waves”. His 1929 attack on the Maxwellian/Hertzian ether theory – 39 years afterward, during the advent of Relativism – seemed relevant only to his concealed theory, not to disclose it or promote it, but to conceal it.


    What were the old ether physicists referring to when they attempted to describe “an incompressible, perfect fluid”? What would a “perfect fluid” do? It would be able to “wet” everything it came into contact with, such as protons, and could flow everywhere without resistance. One “fluid” – the ether – could flow everywhere, and because of its density and ultra-fineness, nothing could stop it, and it felt no resistance, but only matter felt resistance, depending on the circumstances. Another fluid – electricity – could flow in certain places, and wet only certain things, but often met resistance.

    In order to understand the ether, we must get to know electricity more intimately. Just like water, a proton will hold only so much electricity on its surface, but the ‘surface’ of the proton is probably similar to the outer area of a ball-shaped swarm of hovering mechanical bees, powered by the ZPR, with a denser agglomeration of “bees” toward the ‘ball’s’ center. If this swarm of bees is subjected to a wave of rainy mist (the etheric ‘wind’), the bees must all turn to face into the etheric wind to maintain their formation. The ‘water’ droplets – electric sub-charges carried by the etheric wind – tend to agglomerate around the front side. Each bee, as he flaps his wings, will get wet only so much, so that excess ‘water’ is thrown off and carried to the next bee, or the next swarm of bees, by the etheric wind, and so forth, so that a ‘current’ of droplets continues to flow through the ball of bees due to its motion through the etheric wind, and transfers momentum between masses.

    The ‘water’ tends to come off in larger drops, which have formed from smaller droplets accumulated on each bee. As in fluid mechanics, the ‘drop’ size is the result of cohesiveness of the electric ‘fluid’, the surface area of each ‘bee’, and the space between each bee, all of which influences the final size of each larger ‘drop’ (the “electron”) which accumulates enough to form it. If one were to mathematically analyze the flow of “drops” (i.e., “quanta”) per mass unit, they would have an average rate of the flow of charges/cm3 of etheric wind, for the momentum, as determined by the “current” flow rate.

    Much like the bees, as a body (its many electrons, atoms, and molecules, with plenty of ‘space’ within and between) sits at rest on the earth, it moves at fantastic speed through the universal ether field, due to the earth’s revolution, orbit, and other motions. (http://www.netowne.com/technology/important/)

    Later The Bee

  2. A Final THought from Original Thought:


    The ether is a universal medium, which fills all space. It appears to be “dynamic” relative to an earth moving thousands of miles per hour through space. The ether is normally electrically neutral, ultra-fine, and penetrates all solid matter. There is also an ultra high frequency, ubiquitous radiation, normally in equilibrium, called Zero Point Radiation (“ZPR”), which interpenetrates the ether, and represents electromagnetic radiation in its finest, densest form, which, in conjunction with the ether, conserves universal perpetual motion.

    The ether in conjunction with the ZPR, is the source of all matter and force. “Energy” does not exist in physical form, but is “the ability to do work”, which is equal to “force over time”. The word “energy” is a convenient fiction, like “time”, which is an arbitrary measurement of the rate of motion of matter through ether-filled space. All events occur in the present, and the “past” and “future” are merely metaphors.

    Electromagnetic disturbances in the ether extract “energy” from the ZPR, which is explainable only by an ether theory. This “free energy”, which is virtually unlimited, is universally at work, created by the perpetual motion of matter, and the perpetual exchange of stronger and weaker forces, through which the equilibrium of the universe is maintained, the sum total of all processes equaling zero.

    Since all solid matter is continually hurling through space, always in motion, it is always subjected to the “etheric wind” and ZPR interactions. These effects are not perceived except during changes in the orientation of mass or its velocity. All mass and space have dielectric properties. Differences in dielectric properties cause changes in the electromagnetic displacement within mass and the etheric wind. Earth’s electric field creates dielectric displacement effects within ether and mass within earth’s electric field. The difference between the dielectric displacement within a mass and the dielectric displacement outside the mass in the etheric wind, creates a down-force in the direction of the negative polarity, as the etheric wind ‘blows’ through a mass. This is called “gravity”.

    Since all mass is in motion, all mass has momentum, even when apparently “at rest” relative to earth. Momentum is a body’s resistance to change in its state of motion. Since inertia is also the resistance of a body to changes in its momentum, inertia and momentum are due to the same thing, the resistance of electromagnetic micro helical tubules to changes in velocity (and relative “pitch”), direction, and lateral motions or orientation. Since all space and mass is composed only of “electric content”, momentum/inertia is electromagnetic in nature, and can be electromagnetically synthesized.
    Summation of Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity
    An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics
    by William R. Lyne

    From: Don Allen

    According to Tesla’s lecture prepared for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May. 12, 1938), his “Dynamic Theory of Gravity” was one of two far reaching discoveries, which he “…worked out in all details”, in the years 1893 and 1894. The 1938 lecture was less than five years before his death.

    More complete statements concerning these discoveries can only be gleaned from scattered and sparse sources, because the papers of Tesla are concealed in government vaults for “national security” reasons. When I specifically asked for these papers at the “National Security Research Center” – now the “Robert J. Oppenheimer Research Center” – in 1979, I was denied access because they were classified, even though on that same day I discovered the plans for the hydrogen bomb on an open shelf, and told a Harvard graduate student about it later in the day at a Santa Fe restaurant. The guy went to Los Alamos, copied the plans, and wrote an expose at Harvard.

    In his 1938 lecture, Tesla said he was progressing with the work, and hoped to give the theory to the world “very soon”, so it was clearly his intent to “give it to the world”, as soon as he had completed his secret developments.

    The “two great discoveries” to which Tesla referred, were:

    1. The Dynamic Theory of Gravity – which assumed a field of force which accounts for the motions of bodies in space; assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature (ala Einstein); the ether has an indispensable function in the phenomena (of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter); and,

    2. Environmental Energy – the Discovery of a new physical Truth: there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.

    The usual Tesla birthday announcement – on his 79th birthday (1935) – Tesla made a brief reference to the theory saying it applies to molecules and atoms as well as to the largest heavenly bodies, and to “…all matter in the universe in any phase of its existence from its very formation to its ultimate disintegration”.

    Those imbued with relativist theory often refer to “pure energy” in some “form”, but there is no such thing, since “energy” is an abstract “ability” which is always in the future. Who’s to say what “form” is “pure”, and what form is not?

    My favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, said. “In reality, there are no contradictions. Things are what they are irrespective as to whether we know it or not. Check your premises.” If the term “energy” is only a convenient abstraction, then it does not exist in physical form, and really describes the potential to perform work as a by-product of matter and electromagnetic radiation in perpetual motion, some of the force of which has been diverted through a path where it performs the desired work, as it goes on its merry way through the universe. Every change of form of either matter or radiation involves the “work” which induces the change, or the “work” which is induced by the change. Without work there is no change, but all work is ultimately the product of the universe in perpetual, self-sustaining motion, as a rule and not an exception.

    As for Tesla’s theory, we have hints, such as, that the earth is the “star of human birth”. In poetic expressions, he hid scientific meanings in statements such as, that using the “thunderbolt of Jove” (the Indo-European sky god), man “annihilates time and space”, an allusion to the use of electro-propulsion (“thunderbolts”), to travel so fast, that time and space are “annihilated”. Where the government has stolen his papers, we must search for meaning elsewhere. In an article, “Man’s Greatest Achievement”, Tesla outlined his Dynamic Theory of Gravity in poetic form (as paraphrased by me):

    * That the luminiferous ether fills all space

    * That the ether is acted upon by the life-giving creative force

    * That the ether is thrown into “infinitesimal whirls” (“micro helices”) at near the speed of light, becoming ponderable matter

    * That when the force subsides and motion ceases, matter reverts to the ether (a form of “atomic decay”)

    That man can harness these processes, to:

    -Precipitate matter from the ether
    -Create whatever he wants with the matter and energy derived
    -Alter the earth’s size
    -Control earth’s seasons (weather control)
    -Guide earth’s path through the Universe, like a space ship
    -Cause the collisions of planets to produce new suns and stars, heat, and light
    -Originate and develop life in infinite forms

    Tesla was referring to unlimited energy, derived from the environment. Several of his major free energy discoveries have been the exclusive stolen property of our Secret Government. The conversion of energy to a stronger force – electropulsion – used to control the much weaker gravity force, would accomplish more work in the same amount of time, and produce “over unity” results.

    Some of Telsa’s unusual conceptualization of the ether had been nonetheless expounded piecemeal, in his preceding 1890’s lectures. He later railed against the limited and erroneous theories of Maxwell, Hertz, Lorentz, and Einstein.

    Tesla’s ether was neither the “solid” ether with the “tenuity of steel” of Maxwell and Hertz, nor the half-hearted, entrained, gaseous ether of Lorentz. Tesla’s ether consisted of “carriers immersed in an insulating fluid”, which filled all space. Its properties varied according to relative movement, the presence of mass, and the electric and magnetic environment.

    Tesla’s ether was rigidified by rapidly varying electrostatic forces, and was thereby involved in gravitational effects, inertia, and momentum, especially in the space near earth, since, as explained by Tesla, the earth is “…like a charged metal ball moving through space”, which creates the enormous, rapidly varying electrostatic forces which diminish in intensity with the square of the distance from earth, just like gravity. Since the direction of propagation radiates from the earth, the so-called force of gravity is toward earth.

    Tesla commenced to complete his Dynamic Theory of Gravity at the same approximate period of time that his experimental results and theories had been revealed in the three lectures, often illustrated with demonstrations using Tesla-invented equipment, as revealed in the following eight excerpts, in pertinent part (emphasis mine):

    1. “The most probable medium filling the space is one consisting of independent carriers immersed in an insulating fluid”.

    2. “In his experiments he dwells first on some phenomena produced by electrostatic force, which he considers in the light of modern theories to be the most important force in nature for us to investigate.”

    3. “He illustrates how mechanical motions are produced by a varying electrostatic force acting through a gaseous medium.”

    4. “One of the most interesting results arrived at in pursuing these experiments, is the demonstration of the fact that a gaseous medium upon which vibration is impressed by rapid changes of electrostatic potential, is rigid”.

    5. “If through this medium enormous electrostatic stresses are assumed to act, which vary rapidly in intensity, it would allow the motion of a body through it, yet it would be rigid and elastic, although the fluid itself might be devoid of these properties”.

    6. “…on the assumption that the independent carriers are of any configuration such that the fluid resistance to motion in one direction is greater than in another, a stress of that nature would cause the carriers to arrange themselves in groups, since they would turn to each other their sides of the greatest electrical density, in which position the fluid resistance to approach would be smaller than to receding.”

    7. “If in a medium of the above characteristics a brush would be formed by a steady potential, an exchange of the carriers would go on continuously, and there would be less carriers per unit volume in the brush than in the space at some distance from the electrode, this corresponding to rarefaction”.

    8. “If the potentials were rapidly changing, the result would be very different; the higher the frequency of the pulses, the slower would be the exchange of carriers; finally, the motion of translation through measurable space would cease and, with a sufficiently high frequency and intensity of the stress, the carriers would be drawn towards the electrode, and compression would result.”

    The eight above excerpts are further reducible to the following four statements pertinent to electro-propulsion technology:

    1. Mechanical motions can be produced by varying electrostatic force acting through a gaseous (ether) medium, which thereby becomes rigidifled, yet allows solid bodies to pass through.

    2. Under influence of stress in one direction (under the polarizing influence of light or heat), the carriers may group together, forming tubes of force, creating greater ease of movement in that direction.

    3. When a (D.C.) brush is created by a steady potential, a continuous exchange of carriers is created corresponding to ether rarefaction, as the tubes of force are drawn into the conductor.

    4. With a sufficiently high frequency and stress intensity in the opposite direction, carrier exchange is blocked by ether compression, forcing the tubes of force to dissolve in the conductors of the ship, imparting electromagnetic momentum. The system, using the two kinds of potentials (D.C. and A.C.), is known as “p2”.

    The steady potential of the brush creates the required exchange of carriers, ‘rarifying’ (stretching) the elastic, rigidified medium (composed of the carriers immersed in the insulating fluid) in advance of the ship, as the high frequency A.C. to the rear compresses them, blocking exchange from the rear, dissolving the tubes of force (my “microhelices”), creating instant momentum, normal to the surface (which is at right angles to the electric and magnetic fields).

    In 1884, John Henry Poynting’s theorem had been that the flux of energy at any place is represented by the vector product of the electric and magnetic forces, multiplied by C/4(pi symbol) 3rd power. This implied that forces in a conductor could be transformed there into other forms. In 1893, J. J. Thomson stated practically the same thing, saying “…the aether is itself the vehicle of mechanical momentum, of amount (l/4 (pi symbol)C (D*B) per unit volume.

    (Using e.-s. Units for D and E and e.-m. Units for B and H.)

    E = electrical force
    D = electrical displacement
    H = magnetic force
    B = magnetic induction

    Heinrich Hertz’s theory was that two systems of varying current should exert a ponderomotive force on each other due to the variations. Tesla’s disagreement was apparently based on the fact that he proved that the “ponderomotive force” is due not to mere “varying currents”; but to rarefaction and compression of the ether carriers, respectively, produced by different kinds of currents (D.C., A.C., rapidly varying electrostatic).

    J.J. Thomson had extensively developed the theory of the moving tubes of force, both magnetic and electric, saying that the magnetic effect was a secondary one created by the movement of electric tubes, and assumed:

    * that tubes exist everywhere in space, either in closed circuits or terminating on atoms;

    * that electric force becomes perceivable only when electric tubes have greater tendency to lie in one direction;

    * that in a steady magnetic field, positive and negative tubes may move in opposite directions with equal velocity;

    * that a beam of light is a group of electric tubes moving at C at right angles to their length (providing a good explanation for polarization of the plane of rotation).

    Tesla said his “dirigible torpedo” would fly at a maximum 300 miles per second, perhaps since its forward velocity would be some maximum fraction of C. Thomson’s later publishings on this subject followed Tesla’s 1891 lectures before the Royal Society in London, and appear to shed light on Tesla’s work, stating:

    * that a ponderomotive force is exerted on a conductor carrying electric current, consisting of a transfer of mechanical momentum from the agent which exerts the force to the body which experiences it;

    * that, if moving tubes entering a conductor are dissolved in it, mechanical momentum is given to the conductor;

    * that such momentum must be at right angles to the tube and to the magnetic induction;

    * that momentum stored in a unit volume of the field is proportional to the vector product of electric and magnetic vectors.

    “Thomson’s” “Electromagnetic Momentum” hypothesis was later developed by H. Poincare’ and by M. Abraham.

    By 1910, it was said that the consequence of these pronouncements left three alternatives:

    1. Modify the theory to reduce to zero the resultant force on an element of free aether (as with Maxwell, Hertz, and Einstein);

    2. Assume the force sets aether in motion (as with Helmholtz);

    3. Accept the principle that aether is the vehicle of mechanical momentum of amount [D*B] per unit volume (as with Poynting and J. J. Thomson).

    Whittaker’s greatest error was in omitting Tesla’s theory entirely. After Tesla’s experiments verified it, right in front of the esteemed members of the “Royal Academy”, the “three (later) alternatives” were moot, and a new law existed, that of Tesla.

    Tesla’s Secrecy

    Due to his pacifist sympathies, Tesla originally contemplated giving his electric flying machine to the Geneva Convention or League of Nations, for use in ‘policing the world’ to prevent war. Later disillusioned after WWI with the collapse of the League, he said he’d “…underestimated man’s combative capacity”.

    In 1919, his reason for increased secrecy emerged in an interview with Frederick M. Kerby, for “Resolution” magazine, while discussing a “three-hour” airplane between New York and London: “…we have here the appalling prospect of a war between nations at a distance of thousands of miles, with weapons so destructive and demoralizing that the world could not endure them. That is why there must be no more war.” With the government’s spurning of his defense suggestions, Tesla’s only recourse was to withhold his secrets from the world, and to dissuade discovery in their direction.

    In 1929, Tesla ridiculed Heinrich Hertz’s 1887-89 experiments purportedly proving the Maxwellian “structureless” ether filling all space, “of inconceivable tenuity yet solid and possessed of rigidity incomparably greater than the hardest steel”. Tesla’s arguments were to the contrary, saying he had always believed in a “gaseous” ether in which he had observed waves more akin to sound waves. He recounted how he had developed a “new form of vacuum tube” in 1896 (which I call the “Tesla bulb”), “…capable of being charged to any desired potential, and operated it with effective pressures of about 4,000,000 volts.” He described how purplish coronal discharges about the bulb when in use, verified the existence of “particles smaller than air”, and a gas so light that an earth-sized volume would weigh only 1/20 pound. He further said sound waves moved at the velocity of light through this medium.

    Tesla mentioned using his special tube to investigate cosmic rays, saying that when its emanations were impinged upon a target material, radioactive emissions resulted, and that radioactive bodies were simply “targets” continuously bombarded by “infinitesimal bullets projected from all parts of the universe”, without which “all radioactivity would cease.” His description of these “bullets” was similar to the ZPR.

    On Apr. 15, 1932, Tesla said Einstein’s theory regarding changing matter into force, and force into matter, was “absurd”. He compared this to the difference between body and mind, saying force is a “…function of matter”, and that, just as a mind could not exist without a body, “…without matter, there can be no force.”

    On Sept. 11, 1932 (New York Herald Tribune), Tesla derided the Maxwellian/Hertzian ether, while saying that higher frequency waves “…follow the curvature of the earth and bend around obstacles”, yet in an Apr. 8, 1934 New York Times letter, said that short waves for “power purposes” of the ‘wireless art’, were inappropriate, and that power will travel in “long waves”. His 1929 attack on the Maxwellian/Hertzian ether theory – 39 years afterward, during the advent of Relativism – seemed relevant only to his concealed theory, not to disclose it or promote it, but to conceal it.


    What were the old ether physicists referring to when they attempted to describe “an incompressible, perfect fluid”? What would a “perfect fluid” do? It would be able to “wet” everything it came into contact with, such as protons, and could flow everywhere without resistance. One “fluid” – the ether – could flow everywhere, and because of its density and ultra-fineness, nothing could stop it, and it felt no resistance, but only matter felt resistance, depending on the circumstances. Another fluid – electricity – could flow in certain places, and wet only certain things, but often met resistance.

    In order to understand the ether, we must get to know electricity more intimately. Just like water, a proton will hold only so much electricity on its surface, but the ‘surface’ of the proton is probably similar to the outer area of a ball-shaped swarm of hovering mechanical bees, powered by the ZPR, with a denser agglomeration of “bees” toward the ‘ball’s’ center. If this swarm of bees is subjected to a wave of rainy mist (the etheric ‘wind’), the bees must all turn to face into the etheric wind to maintain their formation. The ‘water’ droplets – electric sub-charges carried by the etheric wind – tend to agglomerate around the front side. Each bee, as he flaps his wings, will get wet only so much, so that excess ‘water’ is thrown off and carried to the next bee, or the next swarm of bees, by the etheric wind, and so forth, so that a ‘current’ of droplets continues to flow through the ball of bees due to its motion through the etheric wind, and transfers momentum between masses.

    The ‘water’ tends to come off in larger drops, which have formed from smaller droplets accumulated on each bee. As in fluid mechanics, the ‘drop’ size is the result of cohesiveness of the electric ‘fluid’, the surface area of each ‘bee’, and the space between each bee, all of which influences the final size of each larger ‘drop’ (the “electron”) which accumulates enough to form it. If one were to mathematically analyze the flow of “drops” (i.e., “quanta”) per mass unit, they would have an average rate of the flow of charges/cm3 of etheric wind, for the momentum, as determined by the “current” flow rate.

    Much like the bees, as a body (its many electrons, atoms, and molecules, with plenty of ‘space’ within and between) sits at rest on the earth, it moves at fantastic speed through the universal ether field, due to the earth’s revolution, orbit, and other motions.

    In his 1891 A.I.E.E. lecture at Columbia College, Tesla said in pertinent part (emphasis mine): “What is electricity, and what is magnetism? “…We are now confident that electric and magnetic phenomena are attributable to the ether, and we are perhaps justified in saying that the effects of static electricity are effects of ether in motion”. “…we may speak of electricity or of an electric condition, state or effect”. “…we must distinguish two such effects, opposite in character neutralizing each other”. “…for in a medium of the properties of the ether, we cannot possibly exert a strain, or produce a displacement or motion of any kind, without causing in the surrounding medium an equivalent and opposite effect.” “…its condition determines the positive and negative character.” “We know that it acts like an incompressible fluid;” “…the electro-magnetic theory of light and all facts observed teach us that electric and ether phenomena are identical.” “The puzzling behavior of the ether as a solid to waves of light and heat, and as a fluid to the motion of bodies through it, is certainly explained in the most natural and satisfactory manner by assuming it to be in motion, as Sir William Thomson has suggested.” “Nor can anyone prove that there are transverse ether waves emitted from an alternate current machine; to such slow disturbances, the ether, if at rest, may behave as a true fluid.”

    In his statements, Tesla was balancing the various arguments in preparation for his decision: “…Electricity, therefore, cannot be called ether in the broad sense of the term; but nothing would seem to stand in the way of calling electricity ether associated with matter, or bound ether; or, in other words, that the so-called static charge of the molecule is ether associated in some way with the molecule.”

    “…It cannot differ in density, ether being incompressible: it must, therefore, be under some strain or in motion, and the latter is the most probable.” Tesla therefore believed in an ether which was in motion relative to earth, because the earth is in motion.

    The thing which Tesla had realized, was that ether possesses electric charges which are deposited on atoms. In supporting the “dynamic” ether concept, he was supporting the “stationary ether” concept, since the “motion” he referred to was “apparent” motion of the ether perceived by an observer on earth, relative to a stationary ether.

    The importance of cosmic motion to the electromagnetic effects of static charges was brought up by Tesla in his lecture: “About fifteen years ago, Prof. Rowland demonstrated a most interesting and important fact, namely, that a static charge carried around produces the effects of an electric current.” “…and conceiving the electrostatically charged molecules in motion, this experimental fact gives us a fair idea of magnetism. We can conceive lines or tubes of force which physically exist, being formed of rows of directed moving molecules; we can see that these lines must be closed, that they must tend to shorten and expand, etc. It likewise explains in a reasonable way, the most puzzling phenomenon of all, permanent magnetism, and, in general, has all the beauties of the Ampere theory without possessing the vital defect of the same, namely, the assumption of molecular currents. Without enlarging further upon the subject, I would say, that I look upon all electrostatic, current and magnetic phenomena as being due to electrostatic molecular forces.”

    In these statements, Tesla showed he was aware that any “stationary” locale on earth is actually in fantastic motion (“70,000 mph”). The electrostatic charges “carried around” are currents between atoms and the ether, which produce magnetism. The phenomena of ‘permanent magnetism’ or ‘cosmically induced’ magnetism are apparently due to electrostatic charges ‘carried around’ by cosmic motion, in the universal ether field.

    Since no one can hold an atom or molecule perfectly still—because it is in fantastic motion—all atoms and molecules carry currents producing magnetic fields. Since a magnetic field is the product of a current, no one can produce a magnetic field without electricity, moving through or along a conductor, or as electrostatic charges in local or cosmic motion.

    Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity and MHD method of Spacial Electropulsion brought a cosmic crowning achievement to the works of Faraday, Wm. Thomson, J. J. Thomson, and Edmund Hall.


    The ether is a universal medium, which fills all space. It appears to be “dynamic” relative to an earth moving thousands of miles per hour through space. The ether is normally electrically neutral, ultra-fine, and penetrates all solid matter. There is also an ultra high frequency, ubiquitous radiation, normally in equilibrium, called Zero Point Radiation (“ZPR”), which interpenetrates the ether, and represents electromagnetic radiation in its finest, densest form, which, in conjunction with the ether, conserves universal perpetual motion.

    The ether in conjunction with the ZPR, is the source of all matter and force. “Energy” does not exist in physical form, but is “the ability to do work”, which is equal to “force over time”. The word “energy” is a convenient fiction, like “time”, which is an arbitrary measurement of the rate of motion of matter through ether-filled space. All events occur in the present, and the “past” and “future” are merely metaphors.

    Electromagnetic disturbances in the ether extract “energy” from the ZPR, which is explainable only by an ether theory. This “free energy”, which is virtually unlimited, is universally at work, created by the perpetual motion of matter, and the perpetual exchange of stronger and weaker forces, through which the equilibrium of the universe is maintained, the sum total of all processes equaling zero.

    Since all solid matter is continually hurling through space, always in motion, it is always subjected to the “etheric wind” and ZPR interactions. These effects are not perceived except during changes in the orientation of mass or its velocity. All mass and space have dielectric properties. Differences in dielectric properties cause changes in the electromagnetic displacement within mass and the etheric wind. Earth’s electric field creates dielectric displacement effects within ether and mass within earth’s electric field. The difference between the dielectric displacement within a mass and the dielectric displacement outside the mass in the etheric wind, creates a down-force in the direction of the negative polarity, as the etheric wind ‘blows’ through a mass. This is called “gravity”.

    Since all mass is in motion, all mass has momentum, even when apparently “at rest” relative to earth. Momentum is a body’s resistance to change in its state of motion. Since inertia is also the resistance of a body to changes in its momentum, inertia and momentum are due to the same thing, the resistance of electromagnetic micro helical tubules to changes in velocity (and relative “pitch”), direction, and lateral motions or orientation. Since all space and mass is composed only of “electric content”, momentum/inertia is electromagnetic in nature, and can be electromagnetically synthesized.

    All mass contains electrostatic charges, which when “carried around” in the ether/ZPR-filled space by celestial or ‘local’ movement, constitute currents. These currents actually flow between mass and the ether, and are integral to the mechanism by which momentum is imparted to mass in motion. The currents create magnetic fields as their equal-and-opposite counterparts, and give a rotatory motion to combined, bi-directional electric and magnetic fields and currents, around irrotational vacuous ether cores. This rotatory electromagnetic action creates momentum, as the force-free “screw-type” reaction within mass, creating its motion relative to the ether cores, from which the mechanical force is transferred to the atomic mass with which the electromagnetism is associated.

    Since these phenomena are electromagnetic in nature, they are synthesized by recreation of the electromagnetic conditions which a body would exhibit due to a particular kinetic state. Just as electromagnetic waves of low frequency can penetrate a body, waves of higher frequencies – above I.R. and below U.V.- can cause the ether to “assert its inertia resistance”.

    The technology involves high voltage D.C. ‘brush’ currents, high frequency currents, rapidly varying electrostatic forces, and light/heat beams. The rapidly varying electrostatic forces “rarify” (stretch) the ether carriers, as the light/heat beams polarize the medium in the desired direction, as the D.C. brush currents induce the exchange of carriers, creating a vacuum in that direction, inducing motion. At the opposite end of the ship, high frequency currents draw the carriers through the ship, and creates a compression of the ether, as it penetrates the solid mass and synthesizes the rotatory micro helical tubules, which whirl around the ether cores along the polar axis, at a pitch corresponding to a particular rate of momentum. Since the strength of the electromagnetic interaction is 10/40 time greater than the gravitational interaction, that much more work can theoretically be done in the same time, using the same “energy”.

    Since “seeing is believing”, and I have seen, I believe. The behavior of man-made flying saucers proves the existence of these “free energy” inventions of Nikola Tesla, which show that he was right in his opposition to Relativism, and that the prevalent theories taught in the scientific institutions of the world are patently _fraudulent_.

    Consistent with the idea that “dynamite comes in small packages”, this small book, along with my prior book, “Space Aliens From the Pentagon,” initiates the rediscovery, reconstruction and publication of Nikola Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity and related electropulsion technology, the greatest invention of mankind.

    The Secret Government – a fraudulently concealed, unconstitutional, corporate-state entity – has heretofore controlled electropulsion technology by concealing it and other advanced free energy technology, on behalf of international, coercive, corporate-state monopolists. Electropulsive ships are concealed through “special effects”, and “stealth technology” (also based on Nikola Tesla’s inventions)- as they fly and hover in the sky, and by “psycho-political” means – the dissemination of false “alien” and “extraterrestrial origin” propaganda – through “UFOlogy” groups led by covert government agents. While official government spokesmen deny the existence of flying saucers, covert government agents, posing as “skeptics”, “UFOlogists”, and “paranormalists”, engage the public’s attention in a phony debate. The “skeptics” ridicule the UFOlogists and paranormalists, lumping them together with rational witnesses, as if “…to see a flying saucer” is as ridiculous as “…to see a ghost or alien”. This phony debate based on false logic fits nicely into the overall cover-up system, designed to conceal “advanced human technology”, not “alien” technology.

    The grip of this secret socio-economic dictatorship, depends on coercively extorted income, by forcing us to buy archaic fuel and power – which funds their control of our communications, political and monetary decisions, enforcement of unjust laws, regulations, and procedures expanding its powers, while limiting or excluding our individual human rights, and denying our access to information, materials, and technology which is ours because we paid for it with our taxes. Our access to the truth is necessary for our independence and survival as a free people.

    Despite the confusion, concealment, BIG LIES, and judicial and socio-economic abuse by the corporate state, we can resurrect the TRUTH

  3. perpetual motion and the swastika… I put in a google search and this fantastic plate came up on images…


    Love n Light Rafa…

  4. They are all pictures of planetary discharge viewed from earth, back then planets were much sloer and in different configuration than now and they discharged plasma and streamers of electricity when they came close together…

    I’m only just putting this all together, it seems earlier civilizations were doing their best to draw pictures of massive electrical disturbances in near by space, believing the gods themselves were at work. It’s an incredible discovery.

    Search for the full video “Symbols of an Alien Sky” on a torrent or something, you must see it.

  5. I have made Paper Computer through Swastik four direction theorem
    My Links are as under :
    1. Link of om chalisa 02 http://ishare.rediff.com/photo/entertainment/om-chalisa-02/857386
    2. Link of om chalisa 01 http://ishare.rediff.com/photo/entertainment/om-chalisa-01/857385
    3. Link of OM SHARNAM YANTRA http://ishare.rediff.com/photo/nature-wildlife/om-sharnam-yantra/619087
    4. Link of image at ishare http://mypage.rediff.com/invite/uploadedcontent/photoalbum/RAM%20KHEMKA/4174030
    5. Link of swastik http://mypage.rediff.com/photoalbum/previewthumb/photos-jul-2010/2286210/4174030
    6. Link of paper computer http://www.youtube.com/user/capckhemka#p/a/u/2/rbREEybcKQk
    7. Link of Swastik Gallery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmSF2jL9Jfk
    8. Link of Chautisa Yantra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38CKkItjNII&feature=related
    9. Paper-Computer: Paper Computer http://t.co/51ldlBf
    10. Paper-Computer http://t.co/mLIYJjF
    Look in to the matter & email at rakhemka@rediffmail.com

    • welcome RAM

      love your work
      the idea of the swastika being connected to the concept of ‘binary’.

      when will the translated version become available?


      • thanks for your comments, We are already working on it. I have invented Four Direction Theorum 1022 ( This is relates to Binary & can run as super computer / LCD type covering 32896 circuits in just 2 feet space ) It is Paper sofware will be show very shortly, you may contact me @ rakhemka@rediffmail.com for further disucssion. Please provide your email address so we can send1100 page litearture about four direction theroum 1022 solutation ( circuits)

        Thanks & Regards

      • i uploded swastik Darshan on youtube / google please surch and look . binary version filed patet Application no. 2179/ del / 2011 (in india) get copy and study ,promote to us if possible , new invention in hole world . therefore check the application , Title— Four direction educational recratational device , in Ramavtar Khemka , Ludhina , India , Reply

  6. Please give me progess report about Four direction theroum 1022 as soon as` possible. so we can send new knowlede of its key


  7. Hi,
    I find the details of this part of history and its implications fascinating.

    Have a look at
    Secrets in Plain Sight

    On another note:
    The swastika on the plate is supposed to be “partially restored” . See Wikipedia discussions about this.
    Have you researched that ?


  8. If you “connect the dots” with the fish, four fish will be “floating” right next to those ‘hairs’ right at the lines that kind of dissect it into quadrants. This is actually consistent with the Voynich Manuscript galaxy. It’s also very consistent with our galaxy viewed from the other side (mirror image). I’ve mirrored the swastika plate (and illustrated how the fish connect) and the Voynich galaxy:

    Milky Way:

    I made the pics (and spelled Sagittarius wrong…), but not the idea isn’t mind. I read the Voynich one from bibliotecapleyades.net (and they got some nonsense there, but some of their info is descent) and got the idea for the swastika plate as the Milky Way from this blog. I noticed they both fit and it blew my mind. Reminds me of the Basque Lauburu. And a lot of other swastika-related imagery already mentioned here.

    The images are consistent with the Milky Way if you view them as a ‘zoomed in’ view with the extended arms cropped. I don’t even like calling this a theory. It’s common sense. That’s the Milky Way. How did they know this hundreds to thousands of years ago? I would like to know the answer to that myself. I showed this to a friend who said “they look very similar, but it’s impossible and has to be a coincidence” which is the kind of attitude that needs to die. Establishment conditioning.

    • Could you explain the APPLICATION you have for the world?

      WHAT is the application, to what use can we apply your magic square insights?

      Posting a string of numbers without an explanation means NOTHING.
      So Ram what is your APPLICATION?

      The west and east want APPLICATIONS for their i-PHOne realities.



  9. New mirror Squre— IIIII Ii888 88II8 8888I 88I88 888II III8I II8I8 II88I IIII8 88888 88III 888I8 88I8I Ii8Ii Ii8I8 Assamble and look .

    • YOU need to FIND an APPLICATION for your work.
      what is it?

      unless you can provide ONE…there is no need to continue posting on this blog.

      without an APPLICATION you will be lost…what is it?


  10. You should check the said Our Patent Application No . 2179 / del / 2011 , India , We do not disclose it until Patent is Done .. ,Matter of new invention and serious . thanks ,

  11. Swastik Binary attached device may be shon on youtube sight , ask , think how can device work without fuel , surprise , no one know in whole world , how it is possible ? because Swastik operate the theorem device , ask ,

    • Ram could you put more than one sentence together into an IDEA and convey it please?

      And if you have your work on you-tube could you just post the link?
      Ram my man stop playing cat and mouse with your IDEAs….
      spit it out please….



  12. Made King Size Magic Square 64×64 ,used no.4096 ,Length 5 Feet Total Pages 14 , PDF FILE , Answer where i throw it ?

  13. I am waiting your reply , please provide me 100 simple email id; All will be send that file free of cost , Now i am on twitter …..

  14. Pingback: 4 AGES ModEL – Solar Wind – Magnetic Field – the Atom – Precession of the Equinoxes « Alternative Thinking 37
  15. Pingback: ‘SS GoddeSS Civilizations’ and the Vinca script 55oo B.C. | Science and Religion Reconciled with a little help from my friends
  16. Pingback: 2017~ CPSM ~ Celestial Pole Star Meditation ~ RISE UP | Alternative Thinking 37
  17. Pingback: Nazca Lines Mystery Solved … Part II | Science and Religion Reconciled with a little help from my friends
  18. Pingback: 64 – DNA – Mayan’s AINTIRAM – NaSSim Haramein – Tesseract – Hypercube – Chris Dunn | Alternative Thinking 37
  19. Pingback: ID ~ Intelligent Design ~ Quotable Swastika Quotes concerning God ~ Movement ~ Space ~ Time ~ the 5 EL-ements | Alternative Thinking 37

  20. It appears that Henrik Svensmark’s theory about our SUN traveling through the spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy was ANTICIPATED by another model which takes into account a 12,000+ year old idea that even fewer are willing to accommodate.
    *Not only will science be threatened by this simple truth, but RELIGION is in for a an awakening!*
    In fact this idea dated to 10,000 BCE is also a nice fit to the ending of the last ice age. YAHOO

    But simple truths fit like a glove.
    Do not bother to ask O.J. about the TRUTH fitting like a glove.

  21. https://scitechdaily.com/shedding-light-on-a-galactic-mystery-that-has-long-puzzled-scientists/

    Our Milky Way galaxy has an elegant spiral shape with long arms filled with stars, but exactly how it took this form has long puzzled scientists. New observations of another galaxy are shedding light on how spiral-shaped galaxies like our own get their iconic shape.

    Magnetic fields play a strong role in shaping these galaxies, according to research from the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA. Scientists measured magnetic fields along the spiral arms of the galaxy called NGC 1068, or M77. The fields are shown as streamlines that closely follow the circling arms.

    “Magnetic fields are invisible, but they may influence the evolution of a galaxy,” said Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, a Universities Space Research Association scientist at the SOFIA Science Center at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley. “We have a pretty good understanding of how gravity affects galactic structures, but we’re just starting to learn the role magnetic fields play.”

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