‘Pasties’ reveal the KEY to Universal Movement

Today is the 18th of June 2008.
Card 18 of the Tarot is in fact the Moon, which is connected esoterically often to the Goddess and the sacred feminine.

jasonraymondson wrote:
The only reason nudity is a big deal, is because we make it a big deal.

show us your topless pic again jayray…


please attach pasties this time…

with taSSels…
please note that the taSSels swirl and twirl about…
one taSSel moves clockwise and the other taSSel moves counterclockwise…like my favorite asymmetrical symbol.

Boobs are asymmetrical too.  One is slightly larger.
Rolling Eyes

Now watch these boobs on youtube to help prove my point…how a talented goddess makes TIME stand still…or move forward or backward…

>>>in the first video you can clearly see how the taSSels are capable of moving…

>>>in the second video … at 55 seconds the goddess on the right exhibits perfect synchronization, one taSSel traveling clockwise and the other counterclockwise.

I will be leaving for braless BraZil tomorrow, having a sip of Brahma be4 high noon …see ewe in Ri’O’



p.s. as my signature below suggests…is there anything I cannot connect to the divine swastika?
A symbol known to the ancients as the KEY to Universal Movement and the Gate of God…now I understand why.
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein