Nazca Lines Mystery Solved … Part II

“There is scant evidence concerning why the figures were built, so the Nazca people’s motivation remains the lines’ most persistent mystery. Many scholars believe that their motivation was religious, making images that only gods in the sky could see clearly.”
– Wikipedia

Auto Fighter wrote:

Physics are so amazingly complex. There have been moments of my life, during deep thought and concentration where I have found truth. But it’s so overwhelming that my mind can only seem to be able to grasp it for a fraction of a second. Life’s crazy n stuff.

Illustration of Murray Gell-Mann’s Eightfold Way

I disagree about the complexity of physics.
We make it more complex than it need be, because we either forget its roots or choose to ignore them.
Ask the physicist Murray Gell-man who brought forth the Eightfold Way responsible for helping simplify the invisible word.

‘In 1969, Professor Gell-Mann received the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the theory of elementary particles. Professor Gell-Mann’s “eightfold way” theory brought order to the chaos created by the discovery of some 100 particles in the atom’s nucleus. Then he found that all of those particles, including the neutron and proton, are composed of fundamental building blocks that he named “quarks.” The quarks are permanently confined by forces coming from the exchange of “gluons.” He and others later constructed the quantum field theory of quarks and gluons, called “quantum chromodynamics,” which seems to account for all the nuclear particles and their strong interactions.” …


Was the mattang, an ancient navigational tool, a GPS that our ‘right brains’ could utilize in ways our left brain has difficulty with?
I added the ‘red cross’ to show how this ‘tool’ used in the South Pacific can be placed alongside another cross that has been highlighted on the Sator Square.

A cross that is not difficult to associate with the phrase … In This Sign You Shall Conquer – YouTube

ME+me thoughts on the matter;

The mattang as mentioned is an ancient navigation tool used by the Polynesians.
At least 2000+ years old, and its original source is essentially unknown.

Stick charts were not made and used by all Marshall Islanders.

Only a select few rulers knew the method of making the maps, and the knowledge was only passed on from father to son.

So that others could utilize the expertise of the navigator, fifteen or more canoes sailed together in a squadron, accompanied by a leader pilot skilled in use of the charts.

It was not until 1862 that this unique piloting system was revealed in a public notice prepared by a resident missionary. It was not until the 1890s that it was comprehensively described by a naval officer, Captain Winkler of the German Navy. He became so intrigued by the stick charts that he made a major effort to determine navigational principles behind them and convinced the navigators to share how the stick charts were used.

The stick charts are a significant contribution to the history of cartography because they represent a system of mapping ocean swells, which was never before accomplished. They also use different materials from those common in other parts of the world. They are an indication that ancient maps may have looked very different, and encoded different features from the earth, than the maps we use today.

The charts, unlike traditional maps, were studied and memorized prior to a voyage and were not consulted during a trip, as compared to traditional navigation techniques where consultation of a map is frequent and points and courses are plotted out both before and during navigation. Marshallese navigators used their senses and memory to guide them on voyages by crouching down or lying prone in the canoe to feel how the canoe was being pitched and rolled by underlying swells.

The ability to calculate ‘longitude’ was not accomplished by the ‘euro-sailor’ until after the year 1600+ AD.

John Harrison, a self-educated English clockmaker then invented themarine chronometer, a key piece in solving the problem of accurately establishing longitude at sea, thus revolutionising and extending the possibility of safe long distance sea travel. 

The British rewarded John Harrison for his marine chronometer in 1773.

Navigating the oceans 2000+ years ago was quite a feat.
The Polynesians used this ‘tool’ simply.
They would place it near the prow or bow of their boats/canoes, and the art of navigating was based on interpreting ‘wave formations’.

Different waves would indicate if large islands were nearby, etc…

Kon-Tiki was the raft used by Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl in his 1947 expedition across the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands. It was named after the Inca sun god, Viracocha, for whom “Kon-Tiki” was said to be an old name. Kon-Tiki is also the name of Heyerdahl’s book, the dramatised feature film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and the Academy Award-winning documentary film chronicling his adventures.


But the bigger question regarding the interpretation of ‘waves’ is did the ancients know about the different kinds of waves, square, sawtooth and triangular?

YES it appears that they did…AND because our ancestors believed in a connection between the starry heavens and our earthly domain, the analogy is simple enough. Waves observed in the oceans, are similar to the invisible waves that exist in Space.
i.e. visible water/ocean = invisible luminiferous aether
What is invisible luminiferous aether?
It is the ‘gravity wave’ that the empirical scientist killed with his ‘limited detection’ devices.
In 1887 Michelson and Morley proved luminiferous aether did not exist.
They were wrong obviously…and now modern science is quietly trying to resurrect their blunder.
Today these ancestors of Michelson and Morley, are trying to substitute for luminiferous aether an energy/force called Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Heard of it?
Nice sleight of hand eh?

Together these Dark Forces comprise 95% of the universe.
So since 1887, when Space was declared a ‘vacuum’ by the fellas with the big egos, void of any subatomic scalar activity >>> 121 years later >>> what they declared was nothing has become something quite big I would say.
Scientists are indeed wankers if they continue to ignore what they can’t see or don’t understand is the moral of this sad story.

121 years ago the EGO killed the aether which comprises 95% of the Universe, which is evidently connected to the GRAVITY WAVE and everything DARK.

Not that long ago the EGO was at it again.  The genome scientist declared that 95% of our DNA was JUNK.

Why did they declare it JUNK?
Many reasons were given, they interpreted many sequences as a ‘jibberish’, and now many years later in hindsight, the *new improved scientist* nows admit their error…
Are you seeing a pattern?
How Pride and Ego reveal themselves as a spiritual Achilles heel/heal?

The particle physicist has wasted 121 years of our time and valuable resources.
The particle physicist has wasted U$6+ billion on CERN…are you conCERNed?
You should be.
Here is why.
The particle physicist chases LIGHT but ignores SOUND.
The particle physicist has not heard of the Goddess Inanna and her profound connection to SOUND.
The particle physicist has also not heard that the ineffable name of God is a SOUND.
Umm I ponder, has the particle physicist heard of AUM?

Science is the Right Hand of the archetypal ‘devil’ if used incorrectly.
Science pretends to be Santa.
Religion would be the Left Hand…an anagram of Santa.

As this blog illustrates, it helps solve the mysteries regarding the purpose of the Nazca Lines.

The blog also illustrates how the following images are all related.
The blog helps to clarify, and shows that the ancients were tuned into ‘wave formations’.
Wave formations that the particle physicist identifies with math equations, the ancients had identified using a really really simple tool, made from palm ribs bound together using coconut fibres.
And much of this vital information was passed on from generation to generation, using archetypal glyphs, in conjunction with oral traditions.
The Nazca pampa in Peru is a ‘classroom’, an interactive blackboard/labyrinth, that helps activate the archetypal mind.


69 ~ North and South
600 foot Serpent Mound and the 900 ft Heron
recall that the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by MENES was a big deal


image on left is Christian Rosenkreuz superimposed over the Tree of Life
image on right is the same zig-zag placed over the Throne of St. Mark

Do all of those images above look similar?
More important do they carry the same underlying archetypal meSSages?

  • first image is The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio circa. 1000 BCE
  • second image is from the Nazca Lines, the exact date of their creation is unknown… 200 BCE
  • third image is of the enigmatic/mythical Christian Rosenkreuz.
    Connected to the secret society following the Kabalah and the Tree of Life…
    Connected to the secret society called the Rosicrucian…
    Connected to the mystery surrounding the Freemasons…
  • fourth image is the Gnostic Throne of St. Mark in Alexandria

BUT all of the secrecy that the initiate is allowed to see in the final stages, when he is lead to the Tomb of Christian Rosenkreuz … had already been openly displayed on the Nazca pampa as the 900 ft Heron and also rendered as the 600 foot Serpent Mound in Ohio, and this was 2700 years BEFORE the Euro-wankers decided to control the world…with self-serving theological baa baa baa, and manufactured cyclical economic crisis…

Christian Rosenkreuz, English Christian Rose Cross, is the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the Rose Cross), presented in the three Manifestos published in the early 17th century. The first anonymous public document on the Rosicrucian Order is the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis which appeared in 1614 in Kassel (Germany), introducing the pilgrim founder “Frater C.R.C”, followed in 1615 by the Confessio Fraternitatis (issued with Fama (…)). In 1616 appears the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz in Strasbourg (annexed by France in 1681) which discloses for the first time the founder’s name as Christian Rosenkreutz.
According to legend, Christian Rosenkreuz discovered and learned Esoteric Wisdom among Arab sages as a pilgrim to the East, supposedly in the early 15th century (see section below on Symbolism) ; returned and founded the “Fraternity of the Rose Cross” with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order.
Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or “The House of the Holy Spirit”, was built.

Yes that last line is a tremendous clue when following archetypal clues.

Sanctus Spiritus = SS = St. Peter and St. Paul

Here is one of my favorite parlor tricks…


22/7 Doves = pi 

22/7 = pi

The above image of the SS/55 surrounded by the 7 Doves is a symbol for the Holy Spirit.
Hold it up to a mirror (to illustrate the technique employed by DaVinci called ‘mirror writing’), and what we find is that the SS/55 morphs into ZZ or 22.

What is pi?

I do not mean for you to tell me today’s accepted ‘measurement/ratio’ of 3.1415 or even the ancient  3.142857  based on 22/7
‘Pi’  is more than just a ‘measurement/ratio’.

What I mean to suggest is that pi represents the relationship between a straight line and a type of curve called the circle.

Do you see and understand how the archetypal mind communicates using numbers in addition to the narratives that have been handed down that have been retold and resold using letters that form words?

A cosmos that appears to be dispensing a numerical narrative that can be shown to have as its source geometry?

This theory takes into consideration all of the angLEs in addition to the angELs.
I have come to the conclusion that Freemason initiates are given a compass for the same reason an angEL is given wings, to help measure the angLEs!

Which brings us to another AHA!

EL rotated 180 degrees is 73

73 read from right to left is 37

73 x 37 = 2701

2701 is the gematria value based on the first sEVEn Hebrew words spoken in Genesis regarding;

“In the beginning …”


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory

“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

NAZCA Lines Mystery Solved_Vatican NOT happy

How to read a Mayan Codex
The lighter coloured subsoil which had been exposed formed distinct lines which ran across the desert plain. In due course, it became apparent that the archaeologists had stumbled across a much wider phenomenon – the so-called “Nazca Lines” which cover a 30-mile long strip in the foothills of the Andes mountains.
More than sixty years later, not one single theory has been put forward to explain all of the Nazca markings.
A prominent scientist has called it
“one of the most baffling enigmas of archaeology”. … nium03.htm

Only because archaeologists are too LEFT BRAINED. (detail oriented)
The baffling Nazca enigma has been solved…who is that prominent scientist…call him now and tell him I want my most noble, not to be mistaken for the NOBEL prize.

In 1968, a study by the National Geographic Society determined that, whilst some of the Nazca lines did point to the positions of the Sun, Moon and certain stars two thousand years ago, it was no more than could be expected by mere chance.”
In 1973, Dr Gerald Hawkins studied 186 lines with a computer programme and found that only 20 per cent had any astronomical orientation again no more than by pure chance.

What is an expert?
The people who will eventually help me prove my hypothesis is big bang on.
More about the Nazca lines later in this lengthy post after I lay the groundwork…to help you navigate through the labryinth called my right brain…

bremmermandrake wrote:
The left facing swastika is the one true symbol that all other swastikas were designed from.
it is the first Sephirah meaning crown…

Well I would be the last to argue that point.
Another mystic, now deceased…died in a plane crash back in 1979.
Itzhak Bentov conceptualized back in the 70’s the following…these are his sketches.




CREATION … please note … he apparently has the swastiKA rotating in the WRONG direction.


VERY very very common archetype of the 6 circles surrounding 7th…all sharing exactly the same dimensions…
All seven circles would fit into an 8th.
When you join the centers of each circle … you form a CUBE.


Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and the Chi Rho.

The Black Cube called the KA‘bah found in MecCA.


3 commandments on the 1st Tablet.
7 commandments on the 2nd Tablet.

1 Moses =TIME
3 dimensions or axis of Relative = SPACE
7 dimensions of Quantum = MOVEMENT

Movement which is dictated by an ancient symbol found in the Valley of Mexico referred to as the KEY to Universal Movement.


Note the similarity between Fig. 18 and Tablet No. 1231 above.


Fine Structure Constant 137 is a very big deal in physics…
It is a mysterious…magical number that befuddles the physicist.
But not me. I am the ARKetypal mystic who can actually interpret Ezekiel’s Vision.

Here Itzhak shows the relationship between this cluster of circles…or frog’s eggs as he refers to them (the packing of which is based on the fine structure constant) … which also looks very much like this middle ages Christian symbol…shall we call it the Grapes of Wrath?



Legends of the Gods pp. 37 by W. Budge (found on page 37…life has been like that for me.)
The next image is the Vatican…and those two circles on either side of the obelisk, I feel represent Saturn and Jupiter. (2bee cont’d…these two ‘gas’ planets both play a huge role in 2012)

“STONEHENGE was a representation and a symbol of TIME” … Harold Bayley

And now I present the modern day 21st century epiphany…

The VAN ALLEN BELTS that we tried to interfere with back in 1958.
Here is an interesting quote…regarding project Argus…it involved a guy called Christofilios.

>Operation Argus…
Actually, Argus (summer 1958) was a relatively minor test series, although it’s noteworthy because it did the first in-space tests and because it was done in such secrecy. The Argus warheads were very small. The more significant in-space tests were Starfish in July 1962, and three Russian in-space tests later that year.

> The motivation for this secret series was a theory developed by the brilliant but eccentric physicist Nicholas Christofilos at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL).

Incorrect — Christofilos was at Livermore.

>He had predicted that military significant effects would be produced by injecting charged particles from nuclear explosions into near space to create artificial Van Allen belts.

Incidentally, he also predicted the natural Van Allen belts three months before Van Allen discovered them.


The reason they are called Van Allen
belts and not Christofilos belts is that Christofilos’s work was highly secret.

The combination of a new and still agile military agency — ARPA — and the perceived importance of Christofilos’s idea led to amazingly fast results. Argus ran in-space experiments on the concept, using live
nuclear weapons, less than a year after Christofilos first proposed it!

Thus it seems that this was one of our first priorities for going out into Space was to try to manipulate the so-called ‘Van Allen Belts’.

Is it something to do with polarization of light?
What is the polarization of light?
How does it work?

Go here for how the illusion is altered using filters to polarize the light. … e-the-lux/

The Van Allen/Christ’ belts are formed by the EM field coming from the Sun…and…
And maybe we can play our part and please allow me/mi to suggest, that these belts can be altered, what if, by using the secret sacred Solfeggio frequencies?
What if everybody simply needs to hum a tune?

bremmermandrake wrote:
Though appearing to be distinct, each Sephirot has a relationship with the others. An illustration of this can be seen by the principle that God chastises those He loves. Here we see the God’s Sephirah of judgment acting with His Sephirah of mercy.

Yes the EM field would seem non-discriminate and all-encompassing.

bremmermandrake wrote:
Through a careful study of the Tenakh, the Jewish sages have identified ten Sephirot (ten being the number of divine perfection)…The Tanakh is the Hebrew Bible, the quintessential sacred text. The first five books of this comprise the Torah (or Pentateuch), the core sacred writings of the ancient Jews, traditionally written by Moses under divine inspiration.

And the common denominator between the Greek and Hebrew versions of the ‘bible’ are the 4 Evangelists…(shhh archetypes again which can be best understood with a basic knowledge of Gematria, both bibles Old and New Testament contain the code), which form the 4 Gospels…Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, that are also shown in this aspect…positioned in the 4 corners.


Please note that this card displays these 4 Gospels as astrological houses/constellations and their position among the 12 houses of the horoscope…or the 12 constellations that are ON the ecliptic…
Three of the numbers representing the Solfeggio frequency 528, are on this card.
Songs sung in the KEY 528 are said to HEAL DNA.
The 4 evangelists also represent the 4 beasts associated with prophecy called Ezekiel’s Vision.

bremmermandrake wrote:
…this is the true meaning of the swastika( the crown) there are 9 other symbols to the tree of life: wisdom, understanding, mercy, strength, beauty, victory, splendor, foundation and kingdom…they have all been distorted over the centuries and used out of context of there true meaning…


bremmermandrake wrote:
this is the word of GOD past to the angles who passed it to ancient ones of the Sumerian faith were all religion was born.
were they wait beyond the gate ,ready to rule the earth once again…


bremmermandrake wrote:
…so it is written in the Grand Grimoire

Black Magic/Grand Grimoire dates back to only 1522, some suggest it was written in the 19th century…maybe what we have here is just another belief that fits the archetypal structure?
What is the foundation for most of these beliefs that fell from the Tree of Life and hit Newton on his head like a ton of bricks?


Ten Bulls or Ten Ox Herding Pictures (十牛; JapanesejūgyūChineseshíniú) is, in the tradition of Zen Buddhism, a series of short poems and accompanying pictures that are intended to illustrate the stages of a Mahāyāna Buddhist practitioner’s progression towards enlightenment, as well as his or her subsequent perfection of wisdom.

  1. Common titles of the pictures in English, and common themes of the prose, include:
    1. In Search of the Bull (aimless searching, only the sound of cicadas)
    2. Discovery of the Footprints (a path to follow)
    3. Perceiving the Bull (but only its rear, not its head)
    4. Catching the Bull (a great struggle, the bull repeatedly escapes, discipline required)
    5. Taming the Bull (less straying, less discipline, bull becomes gentle and obedient.
    6. Riding the Bull Home (great joy)
    7. The Bull Transcended (once home, the bull is forgotten, discipline’s whip is idle; stillness)8
    8. Both Bull and Self Transcended (all forgotten and empty)9
    9. Reaching the Source (unconcerned with or without; the sound of cicadas)
    10. Return to Society (crowded marketplace; spreading enlightenment by mingling with humankind)


The second photo is an image of the mystical, mysterious, mythical cult leader called Christian Rosenkreutz.
(translates to … Christian Red Cross)

This symbol is a Rosicrucian symbol and that symbol is said to be on the tomb of this ARKetypal cult leader…
Please note the TEN Sephiroth.


bremmermandrake wrote:
Like all Branches of The Tree Of Life, Kether connects us with FOUR LEVELS of the Spiritual Hierarchy or “chain of command.”

1/ ATZILUTH: The GOD-ASPECT Level….Archetypal World
2/ BRIAH: The ARCHANGELIC Level….Tables or Tablets of Moses**
3/ YETZIRAH: The PSYCHIC-SCIENCES Level…World of Stars
4/ ASSIAH: The PHYSICAL Level….Elemental World…telescopes and microscopes trying to figure out the archetypal world … the hard and long way … by dissecting the CREATION …

Glad you introduced those 4 levels … nobody wants to believe Mi and Solfeggio.
Please note the Archetypal World is way up at the top…it resides over the Tables or Tablets of Moses**, followed by the World of Stars and finally at the bottom we have the Elemental World.

**BTW The very very esoteric Emerald Tablets are also referred to as the Emerald Table.
A Green Table can also be found in the 4 Corners region of the USA…in a region once inhabited by the ancient ones, who were called the Anasazi who were the ancestors of the Hopi Indian, who have the swastiKA as part of their creation mythology.
The area is called Mesa Verde or Table Green
Giza is also on a plateau that was once also lush, kush and green…
Machu Picchu is also constructed on a lush green plateau…flanked by two mountains turned into Temples.
One is called the Sun and the other is the Moon…damn pagan heathens always concerned about Sun Moon worship.
Seeing a pattern?
Where does the color Green reside on the Electromagnetic Spectrum which forms the playing FIELD we find ourselves on? Take a look.


GREEN is right in the middle beside Yellow or GOLD…representing a balance between InfraRED and UltraVIOLET BLUE.
What color did the Church in the middle ages attribute to the HOLY SPIRIT…which was also called Sanctus Spiritus or SS?


What color WAS Eden?
So now that we find ourselves in the AmeriKAs…allow me to illustrate a profound aha…lets go to Peru and the ancient Nazca Lines, which today is an arid plateau…but maybe, long long ago like in Egypt, it was green and lush and it implies also a level playing field and NOT a hierarchal structure which today resembles western politics and religion.
(Power and the Glory)

They were created by the Nazca culture between 200 BC and AD 700. There are hundreds of individual figures, ranging in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fishes, sharks, llamas and lizards.

That is how these geoglyphs were first discovered…from the air.
The NazCA lines are suggesting to me that this ancient tribe…had an archetypal knowledge about Electro-magnetism and equated the ‘electric and magnetic’ effects with the GODS.

And many scholars have already suggested that many of the temples, pyramids, gothic cathedrals and other earthly buildings are reflections of a divinity that resides in the heavens above…
It is as if the ancients were saying … lordy, lordy, look at what we know about you and your magical powers.

The attempts to connect these glyphs to only constellations or other celestial objects, or other starry events has failed because of the liars liars directing humanity for their own nefarious reasons…IMHO
And it will soon become apparent who ‘THEY’ are.

I want to suggest the following.

The NazKA knew about x, y and z axis.
The NazKA knew about electro-magnetism…or at least its effects and perhaps uses
The NazKA had an intuitive ‘feeling’ the universe was asymmetrically designed using those axis.
Please note: ALL axis of symmetry are to be considered mirrors.

So allow us now to take that Judeao/Christian/KAbbalah Tree of Life and give it a twist…


Christian Rosenkreutz


Electromagnetic Field


St. Peter’s Square … all roads lead back to the roaming Romans who worshiped both SATURN and JUPITER.

And the above symbol is my personal “Rosetta Mandala” that I photographed in that Peruvian Monastery…not long after I had flown over the NazKA lines.
Now here is where I help rewrite a little Vatican HIStory.
Let’s take that photo above of the EM field surrounding the earth and give it another twist…or rotation.


Some of the older cultures spoke of a Spider called Maya who wove a web…some even had a 13th astrological sign. With the spider being the 13th.
I can tell the reader is still far from convinced.
Let me present the heron geoglyph from NazKA.


Why have the Nazca Lines proved such an insoluble mystery? The reason lies in the sheer variety of designs, which include around 300 pictures, commonly referred to as “geoglyphs”. Some of the better known of these figures are shown to scale in Figure 11. The relative sizes of the spider, monkey, condor and lizard (among others) can be judged against the largest figure – a stylized heron with a zigzag neck, approximately 900 feet long.However, as diverse as these geoglyphs are, others are different again, consisting of totally abstract shapes. And even among the abstract designs, there is diversity. Whilst one design in particular contains no less than 365 angles (and not 364.25 ), others, in the form of spirals, contain no angles at all.

Now let’s compare the zig zag heron (900 feet = 9 pagan number) to the Judeao/Christian Rosenkreutz and his semitic Electro-magnetic Field of Dreams.

How to read a Mayan Codex



Please count the zig zags AFTER it has entered the heron’s head.

The third image  is known as the Mandelbrot set…a fractal…and BTW that is exactly what the swastiKA represents too.

But of course those who have checked into Hotel DeNILE are shouting coincidence, blasphemy.

So why are there TWO glyphs showing a PAIR OF HANDS?
Seems they were trying to make a point…
BTW some brain ‘experts’ believe that our hands played a role in developing speech…ie. we are a predominant RIGHT handed culture … being directed by our LEFT hemispheric BRAIN.
And when I suggest something is chiral asymmetric, it means it has a preference for Left or Right Handedness….or counter-clockwise vs. clockwise.

Take a look at the chimp with the two CHIRAL ASYMMETRIC hands and the SPIRAL tail…
Spirals appear also in Malta, in a civilization that dates back to the time of Egypt.

So here are 5 things that you need to know about asymmetry.

1/ Everything Big is asymmetrical including the UNIVERSE.
2/ Your BRAIN is asymmetrical…left and right hemispheres.
3/ Your HANDS are chirally asymmetrical.
4/ Your DNA, AMINO ACIDS and CRYSTALS are asymmetrical.
5/ The KEY to Universal Movement that we know as the swastiKA is asymmetrical and CAN be used to POLARIZE or BEND light.

From the Macrocosm to the microcosm…(the second line of the Emerald Tablet)…asymmetry is present on all levels…it is one of nature’s architects that can be understood ONLY by understanding the archetypal world we live in…IMHO

So what’s 2012 all about eh?
Don’t ask the experts…ask mi.

I do know for a fact the swastiKA will play a significant role…

We must resurrect this DIVINE ancient symbol which can be linked to the sacred 3000+ year old Solfeggio frequencies, secrets kept from the herd…by the Vatican….baaastards…that is why the Vatican lent this symbol to the Nazis, but kept their distance…I found the source of the Nazi swastiKA in a Catholic Peruvian monastery.


Those of you that are in deNILE, please find me another symbol that shares these exact colors, geometric shapes.

Black Cross
White Circle
Red Background

ImageDendera Zodiac

Please note the 4 pairs of people in the cardinal directions, shaped like those SS scrolls on the Peruvian ‘Rosetta Mandala’.


Above I want to share two other photos that were beside that mandala in the Peruvian monastery.
And wait just in…from NazKA…a new glyph has been spotted.

NazKA Mandala

Can’t quite make it out eh?
Somebody has done us a favor…


Well I have seen that shape many many times…

Ed LeedsKAlin was the fella who built the Coral Castle.
He claimed he knew the secrets of how the pyramids were built….
He befuddled the 20th century experts…



DNA=KEY 528=Swastika=LuX=Platonic Year=Mi frequency heals DNA
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”