‘DreaMTeam 2012’ … an OPEN LETTER to Acharya S.

Here is a cut and paste from another site….obviously my thoughts are being condensed rather nicely.
This gets good for those who have followed along thus far with my rants and raves.
Who is Acharya S.?
Much of her research was used in the controversial film Zeitgeist.

Dear Acharya S.

This thread began as a response to “jeffphansen77” on another thread.
I then found it an opportunity to say what I have been wanting to say for sometime now.
The text and images I provide are a pre-requisite for understanding the proposal I have laid out for you in this ‘Open Letter’.
As I did suggest on another thread, I feel we can take this ‘conspiracy’ to yet another level…where everybody plays a role in the eventual solution to our woes.

jeffphansen77 wrote:
I’m not sure why the Pope would want to bring Galileo up in a public speech though.Should be a sore subject.Since nothing he says isn’t calculated and well thought out,we may be able to infer that the Church is gradually acknowledging and adopting an official stance toward the astrotheological issues…

I know why the Pope spews the papel poo he does…
Do you know what a revealer is Jeff?
I feel I do, they reveal.

But there is no point in me sharing ALL I FEEL, what I KNOW, because most people DO NOT have a clue what I am yakking about.
Ever since that day, I have not been the same. Some of the revealers end up on street corners handing out pamphlets, some are measured for a dinner jacket and placed in a padded cell and given a room for life, rarely with a view.

But I am different than most have ventured to the other side and come back with a clear meSSage…I am finding that voice AND confidence needed to help communicate a UNITY that resembles a clarity, ultimately a TRUTH….these images, my sight is ALL the evidence I need to convince myself, that I am one of the lucky ones…I seem to have found my purpose in life…to pull back the veils of self-serving BAD behaviors, and help expose the TRUTH.
I have been spared the humility of the street corner nutjob, and these people who we often see standing on the street corners I do want the sheeple and seegullibles to understand, are I believe the Rosetta Souls, windows to the other side when opened are dark and full of all we fear.

However can we go back to that fateful day that changed my life. The DMT bolt/jolt I received from the mothership, lead to a 3 year abduction by aliens. During my incarceration we did several ‘flybys’ of sacred temples, both old and new.
I jest of course…I only concocted such a brief narrative about aliens to demonstrate a fact…ancient temples seen from the air, some have been proposed as resembling landing strips meant for aliens to land on is pure HYPE and BUNK. imho
Let me share with you some pictures that I was allowed to take on my journey to the center of me, a place to where only an alien could possibly act as guide.
My shadow.

AGE of piSceS means that Aliens are another RED HERRING along with the mutt-of-metaphor called jeSuS. He was a public relations camPAIN that lasted 2000 years. In the future Flying saucers flown by little brother and BIG SiSter will control the herd for another 2000+ years with a new tool to incite fear and inflict PAIN and suffering.

Jesus and Aliens are veils that evil always needs to resurrect or erect, a place from which they can hide behind and obfuscate the TRUTH with LIES, and even BIGGER LIES that help to twist a way to LIVE, into an EVIL to be feared and destroyed, killed and BURIED.
Critical thinking always considers the rumor that the Victorious script the HIS-Story.

Aliens are being set up as the LIE that will replace Jesus.
The MOTIVE for all the bullshit soon becomes clear.

jeffphansen77 wrote:
As to the swastika,I believe the Jainists still use it as a major symbol of theirs.It pops right out on their Wiki entry.I think the Nazis grabbed it up out of some hazy notion of a connection between themselves and the original Aryans who were at the root of Indian and Persian cultures.I’d love to see more astrotheological connections within the Indian religions.I’m just now getting into the Rig Veda and sizing that whole tradition up.

Jeff I can see you have been trained well to rebleat what the Jedi-suit masters have suggested is the origin of the swastiKA, a symbol that has been posited in the western consciousness as EVIL, the opposite of LIVE?

Do please stop repeating the dispensed BULLSHIT in regards to the the origin of this OLDEST of ALL MIGRATORY SYMBOLS…a symbol that was exported (worn as a protective amulet) and linked to most of the sacred sites of the world.

Go to this site….the intrepid searchers of the elusive truth have asked that very question, what is the origin of the swastika?
WE have made many brilliant connections on that forum…30+ pages of good research…
http://forums.abrahadabra.com/showthrea … el&page=30

The swastiKA is/was a symbol that meant ‘GOOD LUCK” for thousands of years….
Now shall we compare the PRE-LITERATE PRE-HISTORIC swastiKA to the Christian CRUCIFIX that was also exported to the four corners of the globe?
What does the CRUCIFIX mean?

Now a critical mind would ask … what kind of entity would displace the MOST revered symbol on EARTH meaning GOOD LUCK, with one that means DEATH?

SANTA on trial would say… the devil SATAN (who resides inside of me) made me do it.
Where does Santa spend his summers these daze?
In Sumer, Babylon, or maybe the VatiKAn?

TarZion and Jain eh?
Nice couple…nice archetype…the inner wild man meets mother mary…and she helps give birth to the champ who was raised by chimps…
TarZion is the diamond in the rough…takes time to turn carbon/coal into a diamond…and a little alchemy.

I would appreciate if you read what I have researched about the swastika which is the KEY to Universal Movement. A term referring to a symbol found on the tablets found in the Valley of Mexico…predating the Aztec.
38 blogs making divine connections about this ancient symbol:

But back to the flight I took with the Aliens in their SpaceShip…Here is what I saw when flying over St. Peter’s Square.
Recognize it?


What does that shape mean dude?
Read on because what I present is a REAL gift for those who can see what I am in fact presenting and suggesting…it is most profound.
It supports Acharya’s position BUT takes the ‘conspiracy’ to the next level of ‘Critical Thinking’.

Swastika City 3600 yrs old found in Russia

ArKAim Site

But who here can read ruSSian?
Which temple/idea came first?
It is obvious which culture expreSSed/translated a belief into architecture.
And another took the same archetypes and created ARKitecture and ARKetypes?

ArKAim or the VatiKAn, which was first out of the gate?
Here is a ruSSian site I will definitely need to revisit.

BUT WAIT, the Buddhists in Tibet DO in fact have the same symbol.
And it has great meaning…it is called the Universe of the Lamas.


Universe of the Lamas (on the left) and the holier than thou spiritual copycats found in a place called St. Peter’s Square?
The Universe of the Lamas and the Vatican is a god-damn good fit, eh?
At this time please note the two pillars in the Lama Mandala…

Well let’s see what the crucifix waving Judeao/Christians found in the New World?
What the VatiKAn found was more proof of an underlying unity … so why did they destroy the Meso/Indian America cultures…
See if you can find the VatiKAn / ArKAim / Universe of the Lamas, in these next photos?


The KIVA started appearing in the American southwest around 500 A.D.
The KIVA evolved from domestic PIT houses…which are in fact the oldest known living structures in North America.
So who copied who?

Why did the VatiKAn destroy with criminal intent a way of life, that seemed to embrace UNITY?

The answer is in the question graSShopper.
There is a UNITY that exists, that THEY want to control…
To run a household or an illusion requires ‘power’, a source.
Power and Glory Inkorporated.
…what color INK do they use?
BLACK is seen as negative….but not when using INK.
RED is associated with positive electrical energy…but when it comes to the green stuff called money, RED is seen as negative…

VatiKAn = ArKAim = Universe of the Lamas = Kiva
Ok thus far my evidence has clouded or put into question the source of the NAZIs inspiration for the adoption of the swastiKA.
Without a doubt the picture has just been clouded over BY removing the veil.
TRUTH has that effect.

BUT Hitler was a Christian Roman Catholic.
This is a fact that we do NOT see advertised often in the mainstream media, in the west.
Can you imagine if Hitler had been a Muslim…how the media would spin that today?

But what happens when we compare all of the above to another symbol found in Peru?
A symbol I photographed in a ROMAN CATHOLIC MONASTERY, the building of which commenced in 1580?
Is 1580 + 432 = 2012 a coincidence?
We know that 432 is associated with the Yugas and the SUN.

I toured this monastery in Feb. 2006. It had been closed for nearly 400 years, reopening in 1970. I took a trip back in TIME that day. And here is the image I photographed…


And it is the symbol that can be used as the Rosetta KEY to help unlock ALL the symbols above.

It fits into St. Peter Square.
It contains the 4/5 colors of Alchemy, the same colors are used in the Indian Medicine Wheel, again the colors can be found in a 12th map of Jerusalem and a reference to the Knights Templars (heraldry), these are the same 4/5 colors used by ancient Rome (heraldry), and the colors used by the NAZIs (heraldry) and the colors used in the VatiKAn.


It has the two pillars which are GREEN, which match up nicely with the two TREES in the Lama Universe.
It contains the Venus Transit cycle.
It matches CARD X of the Tarot.
It is the KEY…the Rosetta Fractal and I am its interface.

The name of the monastery in Peru is Santa Catalina.
And I do love the sound of where I found that mandala…Santa (Satan) KAtalina.

I call this mandala the Santa KAtalina Mandala…it is a fractal.
It is THE Rosetta Fractal, this is fact I know/feel.

I have an idea.
I want to present to you DreamMTeam 2012
I would love to assemble for a Round Table conference a unique group of individuals, each bringing to this Emerald Round Table a gift of sight.

Here is the short list which can certainly be amen-did.**
**I know there are several souls here on Forum 2012 that wish to earnestly bee on Team Truth.

>>First and foremost I believe we need to invite the Rosetta Souls, the savants/fellas like Daniel Tammat, Kim Peek AND the goddess Temple Grandin.

>>also the experts like Acharya S., Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Bauvel, Schloch, and of course we need Hancock’s signature too!

>>the counsel of the wolf, the quantum gurus Fred Alan Wolff and SS Wave Theory expert Milo Wolff, the indigenous shamans from Siberia, Peru and the Australia Aborigine who speak of Dreamtime are VERY necessary to help solve this RIDDLE of ALL the AGES…I have gotten so close, would be nice to share in the glory. I really do want to.
I know I belong on this team…my given/surnames suggests I do.
Counsel of the Wolf and Child of the Forest…
And the fact I was awarded a firefighter badge with the four numbers 1258, which is a formula for Phi and phi, embedded as code on CARD X of the Tarot, is a tremendous clue I belong to this group of diverse truth seekers in search of a universal dream.

The culmination of the DreamMTeam’s intent would be the elusive ‘The Theory of Everything’.

The Age of Aquarius is associated with the Evangelist Matthew who is associated with Science, the element AIR not WATER.
Something is in the AIR, I feel it.

There is another fella I believe that needs to share in this glory, and maybe he is the fella who will get it…the Nobel Prize.
It seems to have been written that way.
Not unlike the many ‘birds of prey’ in ancient symbolism we see perched on the bodies of men, this is who Stephen IS, he is Hawk King…the he IS the culmination of 2000+ years of LEFT brained thinking and tinkering…BOUND to a chair, a throne in fact…maybe he needed to be bound to help him focus…miracles take strange paths.

Stephen will get his glory… DreamMTeam 2012 can in fact help him get it….
Stephen Hawking…I see in him an archetype.
Is he to be the anointed one?

Is Stephen Hawking, who is the man bound to METAL (his wheelchair)…in the Age of Iron, to be the one to replace the man bound to a WOODen Cross, Jesus, who had replaced/resembled the mythical Prometheus who had been bound to a ROCK for an eternity, because he stole fire, and he had shared the gift of this theft with man, thus helping to illuminate and enlighten humanity.
All three are messengers of light, Prometheus, Jesus and Stephen…the Hawk King whose time will come…if I can help it.

And yes the analogies do not end there…both Jesus and Prometheus bled from their sides…
Funny how the ancients knew that the LIVER could regenerate itself…and associated a purification process…with the LIVER.


Funny how we see the Knights Templar WHITE Knight D impaling the side of the BLACK Knight…which is associated with the same colors we find on the Roman Catholic Mandala that I photographed in Peru.
These are BTW, the 4/5 colors associated with both the Indian Medicine Wheel and Medieval Alchemy.

Stephen would understand the analogy of taking a rib and the implying of creating an asymmetrical universe.
DNA is the oldest crystal/life form on earth.

It is a crystal.
It is unchanged in 4 billion years.
It is chiral.
It is asymmetric.
It has a story to tell.

The swastika is ALL of the above.
And the ewe bleat … BUT it is NOT a crystal.

To which I reply the swastika is in fact a divine gem.
It is the process by which carbon is turned into a diamond and a diamond is turned back into graphite…in other words Romeo, you do not need to spend 10% of your salary to buy Jewliet a diamond, a precious hard substance that has often been mined and dug up and taken from the earth…there is another way to show your sweetie you love her…write some poetry using 100% of your heart and mind using a pencil.
Because yesterday’s HARDened diamonds are today’s SOFTened graphite that has worked its way to the surface and yielded its bounty willingly.


The swastika is what you would find if you found the ARK and managed to sneak a peek at its contents, with Kim Peek alongside for the ride.

Here I present/gift to you THE secret of the ARK/Holy Grail etc:
First you see NOTHING and then you see/feel EVERYTHING

An echo, a condensed wisdom, a truth from the ancient ORAL traditions, handed down by the sha/man OR the she/he mystic?

WHY all the ca ca about KA?
It would be folly to ignore the role of ‘SOUNDS’ that were embedded into the writing, forming THE narrative…when we transitioned FROM a pre-literate consciousneSS.
https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 … magnetism/

Welcome to my world called seek unity and the realization that the you inside ewe will find unity in all both of u seek.
You can use LSD or the 4 Evangelists or go searching for a lucky 4 leaf clover in a land filled with fairies and little green men.
https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 … af-clover/

Acharya S. please do consider this a unique opportunity to bring together the fringe, once burned at the stake, or incarcerated, people that live outside the box…who live on the outside but are looking inward.

Here is an opportunity to merge both hemispheres of the mind…in ways yet to be imagined.
And I do want to be part of Team Truth.
But I do NOT want the BIG Nobel Prize … I seek the noble one.



p.s. Was I given the ‘handle’ Thor on this forum because I carry a hammer or is it due to the fact I was a recipient of a dose of supercharged DMT?

KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

4 Royal Stars proclaim the Pope is a Whore … Part II

The following is a cut and paste.
It is a response of mine, directed at one of the sheeple who is content grazing.
Sorry about the constant references to sheeple and such, but some sheeple really do get my goat…

so here goes:
peak sorry EWE wasted so much time composing that baa baa blah blah post prior to this one.
Well rehearsed little rant. And I am very glad ewe ended your response with the following quote…

John 4:3 (NIV) wrote:
but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

Immediately informs me what kind of specific indoctrination I am up against…
peak your response is filled with much of the same bleating I have heard now for at least 2000 years … if not longer ….
Can EWE think for yourself for a moment?

peak wrote:
I’m at work right now so I really didn’t want to use the time to read the paragraphs you wrote, so I wrote a quick response. When I get home then I might read into your posts then respond.

Why %$#@ bother then?
Something else for you to read when you get up this morning, when you have more time, a lazy Sunday morning…after church of course…

Scholars (not me) today claim that many of the megalithic structures left behind actually MIRROR the heavens. Many of the ancient structures are aligned to the equinoxes and solstices, which act like markers of time as the Sun travels along its ecliptic.

So if many of the ancient folktales and myths, the stories that accompanied the megalithic structures also mirrored the heavens above, would not logic clearly dictate that might also be the source and origin of the Torah, Bible, Quran?

And clearly it is.
KEY 528 exposes that and it is so obvious…once it has been pointed out.

Here is the evidence gathered so far…
KEY 528 is referencing 3 of the 4 Fixed signs of the zodiac.

Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable:

The Cardinal signs are like the oldest in the family, and full of the self-initatory spirit. They assert their particular style of leadership through their element. By element, they are Aries (fire), Cancer (water), Libra (air) and Capricorn (earth.)

The Fixed signs dig in, and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. It’s hard for them to change, which gives them a reputation for being stubborn. But they are respected for their self-containment and sense of purpose. By element, they are Leo (fire), Scorpio (water), Aquarius (air) and Taurus (earth).

The Mutable signs are flexible, adaptable and restless for movement, change. They are able to see life from many perspectives, making them great communicators. They represent the break-down before the next season begins, so there’s a touch of chaos to their natures. By element, they are Sagittarius (fire), Pisces (water), Gemini (air) and Virgo (earth).
http://astrology.about.com/od/foundatio … lities.htm

But it is the second group I want to focus on…

The Fixed signs … by element, they are Leo (fire), Scorpio (water), Aquarius (air) and Taurus (earth).

As I pointed out these 4 constellations, 4 elements have been connected by scholars (not me), esoterically to the 4 Evangelists who wrote the 4 Gospels that appear in the New Testament…written by the Greeks…who used Gematria.
An ancient code, one of the very first. A code that gave numerical values for letters of the alphabet…or was it the other way around?

So how do we go about placing those 4 Evangelists along with the 4 Gospels associated with their names, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (remember these are the 4 books chosen from many, that form the foundation of the New Testament Bible) into those 4 constellations in the heaven above, namely…

5 … Leo … Mark
2 … Taurus … Luke
8 … Scorpio … John

We can discuss the 4th constellation/astrological sign later.
The 4th coincidently deals with the present age that we are said to be entering into, represented by the following…

11 … Aquarius … Matthew


Card 10 The Wheel of Fortune
I have already presented this particular Tarot Card as esoteric evidence of an exoteric truth withheld. (important to remember that the Tarot represents oppressed knowledge that was driven underground in defiance of the church…arcana means hidden/secret/mysterious)

This particular ‘template’ representing these 4 Astrological Signs appears twice within the Major Arcana of the Tarot.
It also appears on the final card.
Card XXI … The World.

So still not impressed peak, eh, you ole’ bible thumper?
Well I did promise to elevate those 4 Evangelists to a godly stature by giving them their own place in the heavens…..
I do not need to do that.
The ancient Arabic astrologer already did that.

These 4 Evangelists that are without a doubt connected to those 4 constellations were known to the Arabic astrologer as The 4 Royal Stars.
Or and this is even more telling perhaps of what they represent, and what is to come….
These 4 Royal Stars were also known as the 4 Watchers of the Heavens.

The four “royal stars” are the bright stars in the four cornerstone constellations discussed in Part I. The Book of Enoch explains that the stars are named for the Lord’s most faithful servants, and the constellation symbolism is clear enough to indicate just who these stars represent.
http://www.johnpratt.com/items/docs/lds … stars.html
The Royal Stars of Persia are so named because roughly 5,000 years ago, during the fabled pyramid age of Egypt, these luminaries held tremendous influence. Endowed with almost archangelic power, these legendary stars of antiquity are Aldebaron, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut, and in the epoch of 5,000 years ago they were considered to be guardians of the four corners of heaven and watchers of the directions, forming a heavenly cross near the ecliptic.

…forming a heavenly cross near the ecliptic?

Now we are getting somewhere!!!
These 4 Royal Stars/4 Evangelists form a Cross in the Heavens?
How is that accomplished?

Well it is time to identify those 4 Royal Stars associated with each of those 4 constellations/Evangelists/Gospels = New Testament.

5 … Leo … Mark … REGULUS / Venant – summer solstice (Watcher of the North)
2 … Taurus … Luke … ALDEBARAN / Tascheter – vernal equinox (Watcher of the East)
8 … Scorpio … John … ANTARES / Satevis – autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West)
11 … Aquarius … Matthew … FOMALHAUT / Haftorang – winter solstice (Watcher of the South)

Yes they were referred to by the Arabic astrologers as the 4 Watchers of the 4 Directions.
And the term 4 Watchers was also used by the Chinese and the Egyptians…but thats another post….

Now the aha … pay attention peak or EWE might miss it.
What happens when we plot those 4 Royal Stars in the heavens.
We notice 3 things.

1/ All 4 Royal Stars are ON the ecliptic.
2/ When we join these 4 Royal Stars … a CROSS appears.
3/ Fomalhaut is associated with both Aquarius and the Winter Solstice…Maya winter solstice 2012 … age of Aquarius.
ALL coincidences I assure the herds of the sheeple and flocks of seagullibles …

Not just any CROSS.
A CROSS that points us in the direction of sacred geometry.
And geometry in Greek means to ‘measure the earth’.
Sacred measurements of the earth are also embedded in this ancient science?


Ignore the red arrow and the number 5 for now…
In the above star chart the following stars are represented.

The green ellipse is the ecliptic.
The smaller black circle is the imaginary line formed by the earth’s wobble pointing toward the current north/pole star.

#3 is REGULUS in Leo
#2 is ALDEBARAN in Taurus
#4 is ANTARES in Scorpio

#1 is FOMALHAUT in Aquarius*

*actually Fomalhaut is located in another constellation, but the ancients associated Fomalhaut with Aquarius.
This is an anomaly, I suggest you remember it.
Pay attention to the anomalies and less attention to the scripted HIStory written by the victors…

This post, a favorite of mine, shows how everything ‘connects’ … stars = math = myth = scripture.
How the crucifix is associated with the golden spiral.

https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/catego … s-a-whore/


Now plot those 4 Royal Stars on this sacred shape.
Just a matter of time peak … somebody with influence will soon pick up on what I have uncovered … two distinct groups of people will soon seek me out peak … those that would like to promote my ideas and those who feel threatened by them.
Enlightening film needs to be made NOW before 2012 if the collective is to have any kind of chance, a film called The End of HIStory as EWE know it…
(in my not so humble opinion?)


That’ll be 5 bucks peak for that trip.
Truth should be real cheap ya know.
Truth has been part of public domain for centuries…
Truth has been repackaged countless times over the centuries by the false prophets who seek only the profits….
Give the 5 bucks to the next bum ya see…probably a fellow Christian, sitting just outside the Vatican walls, down on his luck … his luck ran out in Vegas because he had faith in his luck and his god … both left him, never to be seen again.



*golem is my name on the other forum.
Raphael got banned… but infiltrated the forum as golem, who once found out, was forgiven for Raphael’s trespasses…


Thus the primordial Law of Thermodynamics says…
God can be neither created or destroyed, he can only be transformed into other forms of God. However there is a penalty for making vain graven images and it is called Entropy.

4 Royal Stars proclaim the Pope is a Whore

This is a cut and paste from another site … that just suspended me.Embarassed

You can skip to the image of the star chart and start reading.

I just want to rant for a moment.
Same pattern.
I arrive on a site, a forum.
I disagree with some of the main players on the forum in my own special way…
They try to ‘reign’ me in…I start beating up on the pseudo spiritual new age judaeo / christians who are a really confused group of individuals…
…then the merchants on the site and the forum temple priests come lookin’ to crucify the troublemaker…

I should have known better than to give ‘Curly’ a tongue lashing, though I felt he deserved it.
Wish I had saved the post.

C in Curly must stand for censor.
Curly is part of a trinity.
The other two stooges would be Larry and Moses. (no I did not say that to him … though I should have … he removed the post anyway.
He removed the post where I made him appear rather intellectually challenged and confused and then he banned me.
But to their credit they did not remove my other posts including this one.
But I should have suspected the site was somewhat dubious…the posts are etched in stone once posted.

No rewrites or edits or deletions allowed on that forum.

The following thread illustrates how square we all are according to a Galactic alignment that took place long ago…an alignment that is related to 2012.

And of the Pope what can I say, I know he keeps secrets from us.
Some of the info presented below has been presented before…but it all ties in very very nicely with very very profound new evidence that may eventually allow me to pinpoint our Sun’s binary companion.

As always the universal weave provides a tapestry to be admired.Rolling Eyes

Kaya wrote:
I’m also curious to see if/how your summation has evolved in the past year, as you’ve been working on this for quite a while, Raphael. In that regard I’m more interested in the destination than the journey.

Kaya I am much further along with my theory.
Rareheart hopes this takes you further down the rabbit hole.

You will find even the modern day stargazers have not clued into the significance of my theory.
And I have never even looked through a telescope.
But that’s the point, I guess.
You really don’t need to.

My theory at this time hinges around the 4 Royal Stars as they are known to the Arabic astrologer /astronomer.

These 4 Royal Stars are also known as the Tetragrammaton, the Tetramorphs, the 4 Evangelists, the 4 Chaacs, the 4 Supernatural Creatures, and even the 4 Sons of Horus.
Each of the 4 Royal Stars also represents one letter of the Hebrew god’s name … as we know it … YHVH.
These 4 Stars are profoundly incorporated into most of the major religious belief systems.
And of course we find the 4 Royal Stars on the Tarot cards which have been associated with the Torah and the Kabalah.

The Jewish Kabalah does sound like the Islamic Kabah and the Egyptian Ka Ba …yes these are just more coincidences…

Please note that the major arcana employs the symbolism of the Royal Stars on two cards.
Wheel of Fortune and the World
I feel the major arcana (22 Cards) is talking about astrophysics using an archetype code, to be relayed through Oral traditions (parable), and is in fact referencing the ‘creation myths’ from Genesis.

Card 21 is the World Card.
What is the significance of 21?
(other than the obvious 7 x 3)

I have shown in the past this particular symbol is referencing the cube.
If you join the dots the picture becomes clearer.
Why do we join the dots?
We must expand the 2D Euclidean (flat universe) geometry into 3D (non-flat or inflated, like the ego universe we currently in-habit).

Here is where the 3 x 7 becomes apparent.
The 3 pairs on a die (singular of dice) are opposite or antipodal to each other and always add up to 7.

1 + 6
2 + 5
3 + 4

And then we learn that the Tree of Life used by the Kabalah is also structured around the CUBE.

And I may add, I have yet to look into the Vedas or Buddhism for comparable archetypes to the 4 Royal Stars.
But they will be there, represented, betcha…again I have a feeling, call me psychic or maybe just intuitive.
I do prefer intuitive, psychic sounds to much like psycho.


These particular 4 Stars marked the beginning of our ‘4 Age’ cycle that began nearly 70,000 years ago…when the North Star was in Vega.

The 4 Royal Stars … namely Regulus (Leo) Aldebaran (Taurus) Antares (Scorpio) and Fomalhaut (associated with Aquarius, though in another constellation) formed a ‘galactic cross’ about 70,000 years ago.

As you may be well aware … 2012 has been linked possibly to an event associated with the galactic center positioned where else? … in the center of the Milky Way.
But my research has not only connected these 4 Royal Stars with 2012 and the Galactic Cross but also with the Swastika and Solomon’s knot. Both of these symbols have also been revealed as symbols that are associated with Precession known also as the Platonic Year.

As you know Kaya I did take some ‘anti-Semitic heat’ at Forum 2012 when I initially started talking about the swastika as a divine symbol that had a role to play in the bigger picture.
My intuition was full on.
The sheeple were sadly, wrong again.

The Jews and Christians must give this divine symbol, the swastika back to humanity; if we are to heal collectively … btw IRAN the Persian powerhouse, still has reverence for the swastika.
Is it mere coincidence that the Judeao / Christians formed a coalition and are now beating up on Islam…why?
Also, why must this symbol be returned to our collective ‘consciousness’?

DNA, amino acids, carbohydrates, crystals and the swastika all have the same geometry of movement. They all exhibit chiral asymmetry.

I want to remind the reader of the BIG aha that took place in 1957 in physics. The so smart physicists had been operating in the dark for most of the first half of the 20th century. Yup they had been working on a rather shaky foundation.
1957 was the year I was born and the year they conclusively determined that the universe was asymmetrical, parity had been violated, the universe was neither perfect nor symmetrical.
Yes the year I was born they determined the world was not perfect.
And 1957 was also only another 55 years to 2012.
Do you know how many of those dots are in the perimeter of the wall of the Kabah?




Did you know the estimated distance to the ‘edge’ of our Universe is about 55 au?
(1 au = 93 million miles)
Then there was that courtyard in the Peruvian monastery that had 55 frescos painted around the perimeter of the court.
All coincidences I assure you, if you want to believe in coincidences.
But there are none. It is design.
Below is an image of the first two of those frescos. I find it interesting that the combined image appears as though we are looking through binoculars. There were 27 pairs of frescos. With the last one above a doorway. At the time I did not understand.
But the freemasons place great importance in the lintel that spans the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz.

Now take a closer look at the first fresco, way up yonder…
The painter must have been into Egyptology or maybe he/she was a Freemason …


So the pattern of 27 pairs of frescos = 54 + 1 fresco / lintal = 55

27 = 9
54 = 5 + 4 = 9

But I think it is very evident that the inspiration of these frescos is undeniably how we ‘see’ the world through both eyes representing the two polarities that exist within our own human architecture, representing a separation or distinction between left and right.

Damn, there are those 2 numbers (5 and 4) again, that haunt many of my posts and I have yet to pinpoint their obvious importance.
But I have been given another clue to pass onto you.
An inscription taken from a Babylonian Tablet that PHI-thagoras must have had access to…

4 is the length and 5 the diagonal. What is the breadth ?
Its size is not known.
4 times 4 is 16.
5 times 5 is 25.
You take 16 from 25 and there remains 9.
What times what shall I take in order to get 9 ?
3 times 3 is 9.
3 is the breadth.

And then I vibrated.
Because I remembered something I had recently read regarding the Coral Castle and its designer/builder Ed Leedskalin. A very small microcosm of a man who designed a Macrocosmic temple as a monument to the love of his life, using only his ingenuity, baffling the very same ‘pyramid’ ‘experts’ on how he achieved this feat.

So evidently we have full circle and we are back to rotating cubes, magnets and electromagnetic fields.

And I have illustrated often enough, the swastika is a symbol of the life force at ALL levels of the Creation, its represents the manifestation of the building blocks that evolve into the divine architecture that embraces us, manifesting as both a creative and destructive force. That is why BOTH versions are used in the East (and the Hopi of the American southwest also use both versions of the swastika within their creation story. The Hopi are the ancestors of the Anasazi who were known as the ancient ones, and the Anasazi are another culture, like the Maya that apparently ‘disappeared’ without a trace) … but the Western cultures are only familiar with the Nazi version of the swastika which does NOT resemble either of the Eastern or Hopi symbols in its orientation.
Actually the Nazi version being tilted is unique among the many different types of swastikas.
The Nazi version was a cross marking the inter-cardinal directions…in the shape of an X.
Both Hindu or Buddhist versions (clockwise and anti-clockwise are fixed crosses, like a +.

Big difference.
By joining the dots of the inter-cardinal cross you form a square.
However a fixed cross forms a diamond.
Helps to explain why Judaism has selected the diamond as their symbol that will appear on the battlefield tending to the wounded and dead, joining the Christian ‘Red Cross’ and Islam’s ‘Crescent’.
It also shows how the Christian Cross and Judaism’s Diamond are similar and both coincidently oppose the Islamic Crescent, which references directly the Moon.

The Constantine Christians however it can be shown, do seem to have a pattern of eliminating cultures that use the MOON to help tell time and forecast the future.
The Old Testament Jews are another of those pesky Moon cultures, the Christian’s nemesis from Genesis.
However the New Testament Christians were reborn into a Solar Cult and the worshiping of the Sun of God … goodbye ‘Moonies’.

But let’s take a look at how the 4 Royal Stars form a Crucifix when we join the dots.

Please note: In the star finder wheel I first connected the 4 Royal Stars to form a cross. I then joined the stars in the shape of an elliptical orbit…but then I noticed a faint line already on the chart.
The green circle is the Ecliptic… this represents the sun’s path or journey through time. The sun has a life also. It has stages.
The numbers below represent the 4 Royal Stars on the chart.

1 >> Fomalhaut
2 >> Aldebaran
3 >> Regulus
4 >> Antares

5 >> Polaris the North Star is contained within the black circle in the chart above.
The image below shows how the earth’s orientation toward the North Star shifts with Precession.

But how sacred is this galactic alignment I am offering. At this point I am still not sure…bit of a learning curve soaring with the hawks and doves.
But Sacred geometry shows how sacred this alignment is as a potential ‘starting point’ to a ‘cycle’.

Probably wondering what that red arrow is pointing at, sitting on the ECLIPTIC (the green circle)?
It is a Neutron star that has been identified as sending the earth (our solar system) pulses of BLUE light gamma rays.
(btw, I do coincidentally have a blog that identifies the coming ‘messiah’ as a BLUE archetype)
Neutron stars are invisible and have more mass than our own Sun but they are very, very small…maybe only 10-20 km in diameter.
So trying to find our Sun’s Sol-mate is like finding a needle in a haystack.
That particular neutron star is anti-podal to us, it sits about the same distance from the galactic center as Sol our sun.

I believe that neutron star could very well be our Sun’s binary companion.
It has made my short list of potential binary companions.
Did I mention I am entering a contest that is looking for binary and multiple star theories?
The contest is being offered by Walter Cruttenden, author of the Lost Star of Myth and Time.

Now let me connect the above Galactic Cross with something here on earth that is quite significant. Again we must refer back to the stargazing Persians and their reverence for these 4 Royal Stars.
Lets go to Mecca.

The next photo is an image of the entire holy site called Mecca, marked in green.
The green tack marks the site of the Kaabah, the black rectangular cube.

In the next image I have joined 4 of the green domes in Mecca to what I believe to be representations of the 4 Royal Stars … that was incorporated with intent into the architecture as sacred geometry.

At this time I am not sure what star the yellow dome I highlighted represents, give me more time, it is afterall just me putting all this stuff together, against all odds … actually reconciling Religion and Science using the SWASTIKA
… yeah baby, ya gotta love it, if I do manage to pull it off…but our upside down world is just like that.
The Creator loves using irony in the age of iron by using the Iron Cross to get his point a cross.Rolling Eyes

silly me. Today I took another look at that yellow star marked off in Mecca.
It apparently marks the constellation of Orion.

Very cool … this will bring us back to the 3 pyramids of Giza as you know.

Now I ponder which particular star it is referencing?
Isn’t this fun?

To give my thesis even more credibility we must fly over Peru and observe the same geometric shapes in a place called Moray. (I know it sounds like Moriah from Genesis … coincidence silly)
Moray is not far from Cuzco and Machu Picchu…home of the Inca.

Worlds apart but is the symbolism profoundly similar?
Moray has 4 distinct rings, or holes comprised of concentric rings placed as terraces.

Rings of Moray

What is interesting is that they have speculated that these terraces were used by the Inca as outdoor laboratories, the temperature difference great enough between grades to make a difference between strains or types of plants.
An outdoor laboratory.

Then we re-orient the ‘Rings of Moray’ to gain a new perspective.

And this image below slows the spiral down and shows the relationship between Cubes and Rectangles…there is a sacred relationship.

Can I find the same geometry, squares and rectangles and spiral archetypes in Judaism and Christian Cathedrals, Temples or Shrines?

Of course.
If you seek Unity you will find it.
You will be rewarded for looking for the truth.
Never doubt that.

Go here if you want to find more of a truth I just happened to stumble and bumble upon..


I just want to share it for free.
Because I know how that bothers some people.
Knowledge between brothers and sisters should not be bartered or sold.

Intellectual property rights will be a problem in a future that recognizes and promotes a universality.
How can you sell what belongs to everybody as I continue to show?
If I sell you my body, I am just a whore.
If I sell you my thoughts, I am just a whore.
So the Pope who wears the frock of the goddess he deposed is the man that represents the Vatican which is the same organization suggesting you cough up 10% of your earnings so THEY can dispense what should be free information…
The Vatican is essentially a whore house with an international chain that would make Motel Sex proud.

Sounds like just another symptom of prophecy.


Thus the primordial Law of Thermodynamics says…
God can be neither created or destroyed, he can only be transformed into other forms of God. However there is a penalty for making vain graven images and it is called Entropy.