Rabbi Altmann and his secretary were sitting in a coffeehouse in Berlin in 1935.

“Herr Altmann,” said his secretary, “I notice you’re reading Der Stürmer! I can’t understand why. A Nazi libel sheet! Are you some kind of masochist, or, God forbid, a self-hating Jew?”

“On the contrary, Frau Epstein. When I used to read the Jewish papers, all I learned about were pogroms, riots in Palestine, and assimilation in America. But now that I read Der Stürmer, I see so much more: that the Jews control all the banks, that we dominate in the arts, and that we’re on the verge of taking over the entire world. You know – it makes me feel a whole lot better!”

This thread explains my position with great clarity.
It is a unifying road out of the quagmire that we should investigate.
It suggests life is like a chess board … indeed…a fork in the road that meets in the middle of the chess board.
A tribe of 1s against a tribe of Os.

The Sons of Darkness vs. the Sons of Light
Black vs. White

This post ‘drained’ me literally and figuratively.
You will see what I mean.

This post will also explain why I now truly believe why the Jewish Tribe was indeed CHOSEN … but I want to express that I am still an anti-Semite … and this post also explains or suggests why … without really needing too…
It was an AHA for me and it should be for you too.
And then you will understand why there is no need to explain my conclusions…

Don’t worry … be happy ….

In another post I showed the similarities between the various sacred ‘fertility symbols’.
Then I went AHA!
I had forgotten all about a place I had heard about in Peru, but my trip was cut short, so I made a promise to return. So a couple of days ago, I went back via the internet.

This gander googled his way back to Moray Peru, to get a bird’s eye view.

But before you continue with this blog please read the following 2 blogs to see how the unique fertility symbolism is shared by EVERYBODY.

The Shrine of the Book and the Shiva Linga

part 1

part 2

You must read those blogs above to really appreciate the undeniable symbolic connections I am presenting today in this blog.

I was not quite sure where to post this next blog.
First I thought I should start a new thread … because it is ‘thread worthy’,
But the images in the post above I linked to, provided by moi, serves as a much needed reference point.

I suspect a few of you will now start to see that the associations I have been suggesting are not imaginations but maybe in fact illuminations.

Funerary statue of an infant with inscription ‘Tiberius Natronius Vemustus’ from the family tomb of the Natronii family…—part of the pagan cemetery uncovered beneath the Vatican.Oct. 13, 2006 – Just inside the Vatican’s fortified walls, directly below the street connecting its private pharmacy and its members-only supermarket, lies a 2,000-year-old graveyard littered with bizarre, often disturbing displays of pagan worship. Under one metallic walkway, the headless skeleton of a young boy rests in an open grave. At his side, a marble replica of a hen’s egg, which to pagans represented the rebirth of the body through reincarnation. Nearby, countless skeletons lie scattered among the remnants of terra cotta vases used in pagan ceremonies. The underground air is damp with the smell of wet dirt, and the clay tubes used by the pagans to feed their dead with honey and syrup still protrude, fingerlike, from the ground.

Built over pagan Sites?

And again we find another profound reference to the BEES!

So quickly may I show you with a series of photos using various sacred Symbols, sites and or sacred architectural designs, and all are apparently incorporating the same sacred geometry.

I can show you with great drama how Judaism and Christianity reflect common roots and goals.
And then when we take a voyage over the Atlantic to Peru and find pre-Columbian sites incorporating the same basic architecture….what are we to make of such BRAND NEW information, uncovered just yesterday, on August 31, 2007.

Both forums, Survive 2012 and Peak Oil, are the first to receive this exclusive, and it is an expose, suggesting ‘self-serving words get in the way’, of a reconciliation process between all faiths and science.
Those who study what I present, are you getting what I now refer to as ‘truth chills’?
The structure of the theology can be found in the Peruvian Andes too.
I went flying yesterday.
Come with me and get a bird’s eye view of the Crux of the symbolism.

Enough yakking here are the images.

Of the above images in those blogs I linked, I want to look at two in particular, one taken of The Shrine of the Book and the other one is of St. Peter square.
What is important to realize about The Shrine of the Book is that it contains the Dead Sea Scrolls.
I refer to them as the DSS.

Here we have another clue as to what SS signifies.
How the DSS connect to the SSC?
….yes the DSS suggests why they built the SSC, the Superconducting Super Collider, it has been suggested it is the culmination of 2000 years of science…but that would be another post

Now we take a look at St. Peter laid to rest … the way a Christian God would see him, a bird’s eye view, or a butterfly, an archangel … maybe a plane, can I suggest anything with symmetrical wings so you can spiral ever upward … to take a real G_OD look.

Do you see the similarities in those images?

Note that the WHITE DOME is replaced by the Circle marked by an X or a Cross. At the center of that X, in the bulls eye is an erect obelisk.

And Arthur C. Clarke and his 2001 oddity are both lying on their sides.
Waiting to be resurrected.
The BLACK RECTANGLE can be seen in both photos, the same distance from the domed or circular structures.

The obelisk also later becomes a reference point, the starting point in the golden spiral.

Now here is where it goes from analogy and speculation to sacred.
Here are 4 things my trip to Peru has revealed.

1/ Sacred Inca cross known as the Chakana … I had never heard of it before the trip.

A Chakana (or Inca Cross, Chakana) is an Andean symbol. It is the three-stepped cross representing the southern cross and symbolising the three tiers of Inca life. The lower world, this world and the higher world. The three levels also represent the snake, puma and condor. Many buildings, temples, and religious sanctuaries are scattered with relevance to the chakana. Sacsayhuaman Temple, located in Cusco, Peru, has a stone entrance shaped to form the upper portion of the chakana. Artifacts and jewelry still made by Inca descendants often depict the chakana.

2/ Below on the left we see a picture I took of a cross/mandala in a Monastery, I now claim is the template for the NAZI swastika and the Precession of the Equinoxes.

3/ In the hills of Moray Peru, there are a series of 4 holes comprised of concentric terraced rings, built into the natural landscape of the terrain…so it appears. The experts are not sure what this site was used for. Speculation is that is served as a laboratory for the Inca botanists…but here we have a another clue for the purpose of Moray.

Scientist and Author John Burke will be appearing on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory at 2:00AM September 3rd 2007 (starts at 11:00PM PST September 2nd for those on the West Coast).

John’s groundbreaking book Seed of Knowledge Stone of Plenty provides evidence that ancient cultures understood certain subtle energies. Taking an electrostatic voltmeter and magnetometer to over 80 sites John found that ancient structures mark areas of geophysical anomalies that produce a natural charge. Seeds exposed at these sites propagate faster and produce higher crop yield versus the control seeds left in the lab.

This work shows there is a real purpose behind the myth and ancient practice of bringing seeds to these sacred sites to be “blessed”. Further studies show the natural polarity of stones at megalithic sites like Avebury are arranged unidirectional with all the south poles facing in one direction and all the north poles facing the opposite. The odds of this being a random event are statistically impossible but no one yet knows the purpose of this ancient arrangement of stones – or how the ancients knew the polarity.

Please note that the experts above, in the Talk Show still to take place … do not quite get it either…

They should be asking themselves NOT how the ancients knew about polarity but how did they know about chirality?
Chirality is an even more profound concept than polarity.

4/ And the 4th thing I found in Peru was, myself, and that higher purpose that for a long time has been resisted here at PO. Sometimes I feel like the Key Man in the Matrix.
Once the Key has been provided to NEO … my purpose has been served and yikes ….

Can I offer more speculation about the ‘Rings of Moray’?
That has a nice ‘ring’ to it.
Take a look at the pictures again of Moray in the above post.

Here is a sketch that can be found online at Geocities detailing how the pyramids are aligned along the golden spiral.
Interesting…others like Robert Bauvel have also linked the 3 stars in Orion’s belt to the 3 pyramids at Giza.

So let us do what The Key to Universal Movement (swastika) does best … rotate … spin … it does the chiral cha cha cha that the Sufis (the Whirling dervishes) were tuned into…


Then we re-orient the ‘Rings of Moray’ to gain a new perspective.

The above Golden Spiral marking off a ‘Cross’, with an X at the center will be used to illustrate another profound connection to be made in regards to The 4 Royal Stars that appear below represented in 4 different configurations. The underlying meaning was always the same though. They were found the world over because they represented 4 particular stars in the heavens….

Do I need to draw the Spiral for you?
I hope you can see it, the golden spiral in the fields of Moray.
So that makes 3 references to a Sacred Green that I have found.
We have Mesa Verde in the 4 Corners region of the USA, home of the ‘ancient ones’, the Anasazi, that like the Maya, were a flourishing culture that seemed to vanish. Mesa Verde means Table Green or Green Table.
The sacred Emerald Tablets, studied by all hermetic alchemists were also referred to as the The Emerald Table. Sir Isaac Newton was first and foremost an alchemist it must be realized. His insights to gravity and calculus were derived from his ‘metaphysical’ experiences that were never revealed. The ‘power and glory’ structure buried his extensive alchemy notes.
And in the hills of Peru, in the fields of Moray is a Green Moray, a coiled serpent, resting on a plateau.
And a 4th reference to green could be this … in the middle ages, the Holy Spirit was symbolized…yup, using green … a beneficent Holy Spirit that would watch over a Green Garden of Eden.

In metaphor the analogies would reveal the intent of a level playing field, a table or plateau…and that is exactly how the Hopi structured their hierarchy. (shhh, the Hopi even had stories about swastikas in their Creation mythology)
In analogy, the Hopi hierarchy was a wheel that spun on a horizontal plane, like a centrifuge, when it stops everyone can get on or off the ride, in contrast to the western religions where the wheel rotates more like a ferris wheel, and the masters have the controls and they have stopped the wheel from rotating. The illusion is … we sit at the top, get a great view, but who is in control, the Masters control how many get on and many get off, unless you believe you can fly.
So the master of the western religions reveals himself as the guy down below who has his chiral hands on the controls …. yikes. Here is what those levers look like … there are only 2 controls on the panel of this master. One lever is 1 and the other control looks like a 0.
1 and 0 is the code for controlling the ride…
And the ride looks like this….

And here is where that obelisk in the center of the X in St. Peter’s Square plays its role.
It is the one (1) we are looking for, found in the center of the 0.
And further these two numbers also reveal where we have been.

It is important to know where we have been, to know our PAST, to help understand the PRESENT moment better (ask science), for the simple reason, to anticipate or have some ‘control’ of the FUTURE.
Or at least try to understand the future for the benefit of a collective humanity.
Here is some food for thought till I expand on this in another post.
Semitic tribes (Judaism/Christianity/Islam) are associated with BURYING their dead in a RECTANGULAR BOX … (Noah’s Ark and Solomon’s Temple are dimensions for ‘caskets’)

Pagans it can be shown have done essentially two things.
They buried their dead in a CIRCULAR FETAL position and then later, after the gift of controlling fire, they added cremation to the equation.
The clue to solving this equation I found in what is known as the Great Zimbabwe ruins. Once the truth was hatched about the true builders of these ancient structures, how they buried their dead, the connection between how we use our brains, and how we bury our dead was revealed. So until another post where I further expand on this …

Let us assume that the Jews DO represent a ‘chosen tribe’.
Let us assume that chosen tribe represents the number 1.
But that is not an assumption, we all know those 3 tribes ALL believe they are number 1.
I love how myth comes alive…using math.

Go here to fly solo over the ‘Rings of Moray’, Peru

Here is a spiral image taken in the Vatican.

And here further, another similar symbol suggesting the same motif … but we can probably deduce, maybe, that the eye of the serpent, whether it be left or right, located in the center of the spiral might indicate which way the spiral is moving, inward or outward, ascending or descending.

HIStory was written by the victors.
Ya think?

The symbol on the left belongs to one of those soul less entities called a Corporation.
It has been copyrighted and or trademarked and is on loan to the European C0mmunity
who has adopted it for its logo. Whose flag appears on the right.

So back to Moray Peru for a moment.

What kind of effect do you think they were trying to achieve, the Inca with these concentric circles, with people perched on the surrounding hills perhaps?
I think perspective always plays a role when parable is involved.
Especially in a world that has been divided using mirrors.

And if you rotate or flip the above illusion 180 degrees you get still another perspective, resembling the Rings of Moray.

I feel it, the truth, everyday, with ‘truth chill’ confirmations, being fed this great info, I am sharing with you…showing how science and religion can be reconciled, using the symbolism that has been shown to transcend the man made boundaries, because it lay at the heart of a truth, that can be felt.
I am currently working on a post that shows how the Enneagram, the Precession of the Equinoxes and the Periodic Table of Elements are esoterically connected.

I am having a great day, unlike poor Malcolm.
He could use a milkywayshake from the milkbar.

Eyes wired OPEN. but lovin’ it….

How about you?
And then in response to that thread I posted on another forum, I got this response.

Shu wrote:

I’ve climbed that vatican spiral staricase….I think the flow of pedestrian traffic only goes one way.

And I immediately wondered …




Well isn’t that interesting…herding the sheeple in one direction >>> Could almost expect that.
Is that staircase located where the WHITE DOME is, I pondered.

THIS is definitely a CLUE as to how to unravel the theology…
And while we are at the Vatican let me show you another startling revelation, part of the tour THEY would never take the herd of sheeple on.

But please depart from the group of seagullibles and allow the AA** Raphael take the EWE on a magical mystery tour…

Here I present the most revered structure in esoteric … the TREE of LIFE.
The Kabbalists, or the mystical Jews who dabbled in Black Magic worship it.

The mystical secret society called the Rosicrucian (they were the mystical Christians delving into the occult) were shown this symbol as part of the final initiation process.

ALL belief systems have a TREE of LIFE in their creation stories.
Not ALL belief systems however have a TREE of KNOWLEDGE (tree of good and evil) in their belief systems.

Now all you need to do is concentrate on those 4 Spheres or Sephiroth that run up the middle of the symbol…focus on them and then look at this picture and count the spheres the run up the middle of the aisle…

Who sits in the numero uno position known in Judaism as the Kether or Crown or Metatron, according to the following picture?

Yup it is the Pope.
Guilty as charged.
Still wearing the frock of the Pagan Goddess he deposed.

In fact this photo reveals that the DEVIL’s chiral RIGHT-hand man, the anti-Christ sits, in plain view for ALL to see.

Give me the RING of Keys to the catacombs, let me spend some time, without an escort, beneath the Vatican, where the anti-Christs buried the evidence of our pagan roots…

I dare them to open up the catacombs and display their treasures stolen from the 4 corners of the globe….

All will be revealed soon enough folks.



**AA Raphael = Archangel Raphael currently enrolled in a 12-Step program…go here:

Golem, what does the “G” in the Compass and Square represent?

God, Goat, Gold or Geometry?

‘Google’ everything I say silly

2 thoughts on “JEWS in MY MIND are the CHOSEN TRIBE

  1. why doesnt the vatican admit its ancestry? whats the point in misleading christians? god whether pagan or christ is just a symbol indicating the energy.

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